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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by taybo20

  1. These threads are definitely part of the curse
  2. Can we make NIL a 501c3? That would really help me. and I’m surprised at the lack of commitment…we want to be good? It’s clear that we need ninja assassins to take out high level targets
  3. And that's the kind of Joe Burrow-esque transfer we need... assuming he wins a NC here of course lol
  4. Mostly cause I don’t believe the “beef” thing, that he won’t end up making more money with a raise and not being anywhere near a hot seat in Norman.
  5. Well I don’t think of ou has the high ground for morality or education either. I get what you are saying in regards to sports come first at LSU and they will let anyone go to school there. But I still just don’t see it. Riley has it too good and too comfortable
  6. I have no idea why Riley would ever entertain leaving ou. He's king there and has nothing to prove. And it isn't like ou can't recruit. I guess if he just wants to live in Baton Rouge? I mean, there is little upside potential to me for him to leave. He gets carte blanche and doesn't really have to answer to anyone.
  7. I agree with you for the most part. Is it possible to find a guy to portal in that is elite? Yeah sure...but that is the exception and not the rule. Most of the guys are #1 or #2 and maybe help with depth, but aren't some world beater. Are they better than what you have on campus? Possibly or likely so if you are taking them, but again that doesn't mean they are game changers. Just look at the transfers we took on defense this year. Nothing special. But then you look at a guy like Xavier Worthy and hope that you can find other guys like that. And yes absolutely right about recruiting. You gotta find guys that not only buy in, but stick it out and play 3-4 years. You need the culture and the consistency. We certainly don't have that at all. And it desperately shows.
  8. taybo20

    CDC letter

    All they are doing is blaming the players without actually calling out the players. I mean it’s pretty evident quite a few are not bought in and don’t give a shit for this new staff. It’s not surprising then, to see the lacking level of play regardless of the coach if that’s the case. Just look at tackling…that should tell you right there a lot of these dudes don’t care.
  9. I know somebody didn’t watch. Good for you man. It was hard to see
  10. No one should be surprised that there is buy in lacking on this team… it’s clear in every game we’ve watched this year that they don’t show the passion or desire to play. The blocking sucks and so does the tackling and that’s been the indictment all year, which goes directly to buy in and fight. there are going to be a lot of transfers, but a lot of these guys that think they are hot shit aren’t going to big time schools so whatever
  11. Might be worth it for me then
  12. Hopefully these shifty regents and boosters just die off…statistically speaking of course
  13. Pancho said it, but I’m not sure it matters. They aren’t going to hire somebody that will actively work against them or not listen to them. No matter who the AD is will have to do what they want or they will be replaced.
  14. What’s the scuffle on the field?
  15. It’s true. The disconnect is real, yet they whine and cry and scream so fucking loud about everything that isn’t the root of the problem.
  16. I don’t think this can be stressed enough and I think we have to be real about that.
  17. This is personal for Jerry….fuck Home Depot mobster
  18. This is the type of bounce back I needed to see
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