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Magus Ossis

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Everything posted by Magus Ossis

  1. The reports and watching him get scored on.
  2. Was thinking of how to rate importance or lack thereof attached to signing JS, our lone unsigned ‘committed.’ I think at most he would play 2 years, probably one. We would not roll him out as a true FR, and he seems like a very high gone in 3 risk assuming he does pan out. Introduces a helicopter person back into the program. Increased concern about attitude in his case. Plays a position with among the lowest correlation between stars and later studs. I don’t like putting off important issues until the last minute or gambling on future events, but the system is evolving such that snagging a JuCo or Grad transfer tackle later is an increasingly viable option by comparison to a gamble that eats a scholarship for possibly 4+ years. In an era of frequent early departure, grooming OL for 2 years before playing them, combined with risk of not panning out, pushes the scholarship to contributor ratio potentially to 5 to 1. Transfers have a much lower uncertainty regarding how they’ll play at the college level and need less seasoning. They push the ratio closer to 1:1. TLDR I hate a small OL class reflexively but my initial quasi-moneyball analysis says better to cut bait on this one.
  3. Guys (like Smith) that tall that move like that don’t grow on trees. Agree those three may do a lot of damage to defenses and record books at Texas.
  4. I doubt any other schools will mention it to them.
  5. Acho claimed “no” merit. I think what he meant was “not enough that I agree.” Kliff has HC experience— objective fact. Kliff recruited and/or coached multiple QBs who had far above-mean passing statistics, won the Heisman and/or set NFL records. Kliff has been in the NFL. Kliff has a 4-year degree. None of those is subjective. Every one is verifiable fact. It is legitimate to say, “I think he is a bad choice, and here are weaknesses of his or strengths of an alternative.” To say his only qualification is whiteness is in fact demonstrably false.
  6. The original written form is Koine Greek, but the original spoken form was Aramaic. Latin was not widely used for scripture before the third century. FWIW.
  7. We didn't have to face NWSt, though. That's a playoff team right there. Well, back in 2004. In Div I-AA.
  8. I guess there is still a chance that retaining wont mean retaining in the same position, but this is not good news.
  9. I actually think he has a decent chance for a long and lucrative NFL career. He seems to feel the rush well and preserves himself from most big hits. He can make the throws. It would depend on the system, but I have to admit that he could be worth a first round pick to the right team.
  10. FWK's "Clean recruiting index" keeps dropping
  11. 1001.111101 Commitable Diamonds in the rough
  12. The PR potential if he switches from aggy scholarship to Texas PWO is not negligible.
  13. We don’t necessarily need to water down our schedule, but B12 should start conference play a week earlier to allow everyone the chance for a November quasi-bye.
  14. Every bowl he has coached was either against Jimbo or an SEC team. Undefeated.
  15. Jim Alexander from Riverside ranked us 18, with Army and UCF at 6 and 7, respectively. Michael Vega from Boston ranked us 4, between tOSU and OU. Rece Davis slotted us at 6, Brett McMurphy at 7. Our median was 8, and our mode was 7 and 8. I did not notice Herbie on the list.
  16. Kliff is a smart guy who has worked in college and (as a player) in the NFL. He is young by 2019 standards, but let’s not kid ourselves; he is much older than a lot of big leaders were at their moments of trial in history. 30 is not a child.good chance he flames out. Nonzero chance he does well. Has offensive chops, smart guy, not a super-charismatic fellow, but is not a caveman lawyer by any means. Had solid recs from more than one NFL coach, including some idoit named Belichick. When most of his in-year classmates in school were struggling with how to write a grammatically correct sentence, he was in calculus and doing well. He might just figure out how to organize what he knows and delegate what he does not.
  17. Tech was in a bowl every year over that span. No other B12 school was.
  18. 4 losses is the ceiling, within reasonable probabilities. The floor isn’t too far down. If the get super lucky, they could go 9-3, and if they fall apart they might only win 5 or 6, but those are unlikely. They play 3 good teams, one pretty good, 2 medoker, and 6 bad. edit: I rate aggy as medoker plus. Pretty good talent average and coaching but bad distribution on the roster. Big holes is key places.
  19. Does not even count facing #9 in spring game
  20. How funny if Kliff offered Leach an OC job?
  21. Inside jokes don’t have to be current. In a way they’re better when obsolete, as in RC didn’t offer. Bottom line, Shhhh is just fine. Shhhh! It’s happening!
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