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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. 2 hours ago, Message Board User said:

    This could be a problem for OKC in the playoffs.


    Yeah, that's been a problem with him and Dort.  Giddey can be a good (not great) shooter but he has to hit open shots.  They're been pulling him early now if he's off and playing Joe or now Gordon Hayward.

    With Dort, they actually need to play him because of his defense.  He's actually a decent shooter if he takes right shots.  (He's good from the corner.)  However, let him hit one or two and he thinks he's Steph Curry.

  2. Finally found this thread.  Really started hitting it on 12/1 of last year but still had the holiday gluttony that everyone else did.  Some background, though.  I turn 50 this year and my fitness/working out has always went back and forth between working out a lot or not at all.  I had slowly floated up to 225ish and really need to be back around 200-205.  (I'm 6'0".)

    Did two things:

    1.  Started TRT (testosterone) after Thanksgiving.  (This was a game changer.)

    2.  Started a workout regimen of heavy weights relative to cardio.  I've lost weight a few times in the past but it was always heavy cardio with some weights.  Being that I'm 50ish now, I figured I needed to add muscle.  I lift 3-4 times per week and only do cardio 2-3 times.  Turns out this was a game changer, too.  Added significant amount of muscle so far, which of course helps burn the fat.  Most of what I've read about fitness after 50 for both men and women says that cardio after a certain point is generally useless.  (Running 6 miles vs 3 miles is an example.  Three miles is fine.)  

    3.  I started out with the same diet, which wasn't terrible to begin with.  However, not nearly enough food.  I was fucking starving by 10 am and again at 4 pm.  I was eating oatmeal for breakfast and soups and whatnot for lunch.  I was hungry literally all the time.  (Libido also took off but more on that in point #4.)  I switched to a high protein/low carb diet.  Breakfast is now 3 eggs scrambled and two pieces of thinly sliced skirt steak.  Lunch is rice and grilled chicken breast.  Dinner is still the same.  (Chickens, salads, steak of the weekend, etc.)  I'm now counting protein on most everything while not eliminating carbs, greatly reducing them.  This took care of the constant hunger and with the protein/carb mix, still losing fat while burning muscle.

    4.  The libido took TF off.  Not quite like my teen years but mid 20's.  The TRT is a cheat code and I'd recommend it to anyone in their 40's and 50's.  The libido thing is a bit of a distraction sometimes but not nearly as much as the constant hunger.

    I'm down now to about 210 but I've really leaned down and built muscle so I'm not really concerned about the weight so much.  I need to quit drinking like some have mentioned and I'm trying to do that, albeit struggling like some others.  First night or two are fine but after that, I get bored or something or just want a drink.  It's getting easier but still not easy, if that makes sense.

    Good conversation here all around, though.  Sounds like we're in the same age and fitness bracket.  

    Feel free to ask me questions about the TRT, though.  


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Speaking of the Rockets, what are the thoughts from their team and fan base about Jalen Green?  He seems like a volume shooter and not necessarily a good one. His first two years had shitty coaching and he could basically do whatever he wanted.  However, his shooting is worse this year.  Watched them play the Thunder last night and he went 5-13.  Looked at the game log and he was 5-13 the game before that and 3-14 the game before that.

    Everyone is trade able but are they considering moving off him?  Jabari Smith seems to have rounded into being a good/solid player and kind of what everyone thought he was.  (Remember the whole Chet/Jabari debate?)

  4. 39 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Fuckin chet has scored like 20 points in the past 5 min lol 

    Not an exaggeration....?  


    He had like 23 in the 4th or some such.

  5. If cells in a Petri dish are babies, should we give them birth certificates and SSN’s?  Can we count them on the census?  When do they turn 18?

    I was a Republican in college during the 90’s and if you would have told me the Heritage Foundation would later want the government parsing different types of birth control, I’d thought you were out of your morherfucking mind.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  6. Let’s be honest here.  Now they’re fucking with the suburban/upscale whites.  They can manage their way around actual abortions in their private lives but birth control and IVF?  Everyone of them either knows someone who did IVF or did it themselves.  Same with birth control.

    Suburban white women are the fucking mother lode of demographic groups.  Peel just 5-10% of them off and they’re toast.


    Find out after fucking around, I guess.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  7. 11 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    I feel like there is a bigger story in here somewhere. Starting in late 2000s


    It's like they're starting to connect the dots between this, Russian expansion, nukes in space, and that stupid Tucker interview.

  8. 10 hours ago, henrygandorf said:


    Serious question but how is Kid Rock a "celebrity" anymore?  His one album was in the late 90's and the song he did with Sheryl Crow was in 2003.  (I was surprised it was that old when it came up on Sirius.)  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    To me it's just not entertaining to watch all the 3 pointers. We've both probably watched most Spurs games this year. It kinda boils down to all these teams shoot the absolute fuck out of the 3 and make a lot of them, and our team doesn't have anyone outside of Vassell that can hit an open shot. The entire game revolves around 3 point shooting now. If you can't do that, you don't have a chance. And I just do not like that only one style wins now. There's too many other aspects of the game that I wanna see at a high level, not just 3 point shooting. I think the 3 point line should go away after you take 30 attempts. Then bring it back in the last 5 minutes of game time and overtime so you can still have great comebacks.


    Or allow more defense. Whatever. But it's just not an entertaining thing to watch anymore, for the most part.

    I was going to post something similar.  I've been watching the Thunder a lot the past few years (tanking like the Spurs) and what stuck out to me is how everyone can shoot now.  Everyone.  They would bring in G League guys or have guys on the bench who were borderline NBA players and every single one of them could shoot.  All positions.  It's not like even 10 years ago where you had good defenders who couldn't score.  

    You can play solid defense now but if all five guys can legitimately shoot, you're going to give up some points.

  10. On 2/17/2024 at 4:27 PM, DixonHur said:

    Then they graduate bootcamp and immediately buy a muscle car or big ass truck they can't afford...usually at a crazy high interest rate because they have no, or bad credit.

    Then they fall behind on the payment or other bills and they call the NCO in charge and dock their pay.  Either that or end up at the numerous pawn shops or loan places across the street from the base.

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