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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. 10 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    I brought my son every other weekend to help build his foundation (which is strong) he's pretty handsome and a solid athlete even when young. That didn't help my celibacy for a year plan. It was like being a hot chick at a club.
    I was there for his edification and some faith.
    Mercy me the temptations.

    Troof.  If you're a guy with a cute kid, you're money.

    The best church story was I went on a date with an attractive woman 10 years older than me but attractive.  (She was prolly 40.)  Went to pound town on the second date and from that point forward, strictly fuck buddy and that's how we both wanted it.  I'd dial her up about one a month, go out for some mediocre dinner, and then fuck her brains out over night.  That was it for a year or so.  Not even talk about "dating" let alone anything else.  My wife said "You went to church and got a fuck buddy?"  Um, yeah, I guess.  To your point, going to a big suburban church and celibacy oddly enough do not go hand in hand.


    Just the dumbest fucking people....


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  2. 18 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

    Chicks love some self-improvement, so figure out which version works for you. Which you should be doing because who would want the worst version of you. Sub church for: Mountain bike meets ups (for beginners), paddle boarding, volunteering, cleaning up parks, weird art installs in public spaces, snowboarding, you could even work with regards if it's your passion. If you have a Hobbie, you are decent at some lady will be happy to get some advice if you are genuine. If not her, maybe a friend.

    My self-imposed one year hiatus from women sexually post divorce was impossible once I started doing healthy shit I wanted to do for fun. And I'm pretty introverted. My only "game" is being genuinely interested in people's experiences and listening intently. Fish in a barrel.

    It's funny you mention the hiatus because that's what led me back to church in the first place.  I figured it was a good place to get my life straightened out at the time and part of that was no dating/sex at the time.  The women's radar knew I wasn't there to run some trim and as a result, I made some really good friends.  However, the sex hiatus didn't work out to well after awhile.  Dated a few women and had sex with all of them.  (Maybe 4 or 5.)  The churchy gals really are as DTF as the others, it just has to be within the confines of a dating "relationship," which can be only a few dates.

    But yeah, my super power is just being able to talk and listen.  Same deal.  I can talk to a fence post.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Born to Run said:
    3 hours ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:
    Where do these impressive ladies hangout? They're not at the local dive bar

    Gym, yoga studios, and church. When I was first divorced, I got swarmed at church. Freaking hyenas.

    I can confirm that as well from back in my single days.  Big suburban churches have tons of impressive single women (define that how you may).  When I was single, I started going to one and was also surprised that they were as DTF as non churchy types.

    Started doing yoga a few years ago and it's about 70/30.  If you can't pull trim there, don't know what to tell you.  They're obviously DTF.

    You'd also need a good dating app game but I know nothing about that.  Way too long ago.


  4. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Was just sharing these words of wisdom with GOLL to share with his son.  The moment you realize that taking your shot costs you absolutely nothing (current state: not dating her.  State after asking her out: either still not dating her (you lose nothing), or dating her (you win)), you realize that you should pretty close to always take your shot.  And if it goes poorly, and someone gives you a hard time about missing....just look at him and say "dude....shooters shoot.  I'm a shooter."

    Take your shot. If she declines, take it like a man - "well, I wanted to ask.  Sure hope you have a nice rest of your night."  Be a fucking man, not an entitled whiny ass bitch, which bitchassedness is apparently the entirety of the ethos of the modern GQP.  Jesus.  Man up, you pathetic, whiny, simpering losers.

    I'll share something I heard from a Millenial once.  (Proud Gen Xer here.)  One day at work, myself, a fellow Gen X attractive women and this millenial were talking.  He asked us respectively what we did on our first dates back in HS.  Dinner and a movie was the answer.  The he asked how it went down.  In both cases, the guy asked the girl and it happened.  He said "My dad once told me it's the Three P's.  Paired Off, Planned, and Paid For.  'Do YOU want to go to DINNER with ME on FRIDAY NIGHT?'"  He said that young people are all about group dating and that didn't do it old school anymore.  Millenial in question always worked that angle and to his credit, he married WAY up.  He said he was basically a pimp growing up working that method.  Now fast forward to my man, Travis Kelce.  He worked it old school.  HE asked HER out on a DATE.  Not Netflix and chilling.  Took her to a football game and then to a steakhouse.

    That's what I would tell young people.  The Three P's.

    As for over 35 types, the quality of single men at that age is so wretched that I legitimately feel sorry for single, impressive women.  (Attractive, good job, etc.)  We have dozens of women friends in that age bracket and it's just awful.  They'll date most anyone.  If you're like @Brisketexan and have a least a little conversational ability and can dress yourself, you'd have to actively try to be an incel.  

    Getting a woman is literally the easiest it's every been in human history.  Endless dating apps and your competition is truly wretched.  If a man is having problems with this, he needs some therapy and/or a look in the mirror.  That's why the Joe Rogan fans of the world are mad.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  5. 25 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    I had a law school classmate who volunteered to temporarily  keep dogs from a crowded animal shelter.  He asked and was allowed to bring some of the older puppies to the park with him. From my observations, those puppies pulled in more tail than any pick up line ever invented.  

    As someone who is on their second miniature dachshund, I can confirm this.  Get a cut dog and set up shop.  People will find you.

  6. 1 hour ago, ztejas said:

    I was about to say... they should shoot from the same line. 

    Good for her. 

    Good for Steph, too.  He's always been good about promoting the women's game.  

    Can't wait for all the Joe Rogan bros to weigh in on this.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    That’s why I asked earlier this season. if teams refuse to trade with them and they’re over their roster limit with rookies and currently signed players…wtf happens?

    They need a big like last month. Either Chet is hitting the rookie wall or he’s absolutely gassed from the grit of the season. Only has hit 20 pts once in the last 10 games. 3 pt shooting is off by 6 points vs December. Jwill left the game late with an injury and he’s kinda their PF.

    Some decisions to be made and soon id imagine

    It's a little of both.  He's hitting the wall but they've played five games in seven days at this point and another five games in seven day stretch before that with most of these being on the road.  Lotta back to backs in there, too, obviously.

  8. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    This and the Taylor Swift hate are examples of the incel misogyny that goes on over there.

    1.  If a guy can't get married, it's obviously the fault of women.  I'm 49, which means I'm old enough to be the dad of most Joe Rogan fans and I could get laid this week and married within 6 months.  If you're over 35 and can't get a date/wife/whatever, that says more about you than any woman.

    2.  The Taylor Swift hate is obvious and folds into #1.  SHE is elevating HIM, not the other way around.  That makes their brains hurt.  Also, he's obviously better looking and cooler than them and he got the girl, they didn't.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. On 1/26/2024 at 12:09 PM, wildcat09 said:


    Scott Adams is somehow even more divorced than Elon. 

    The people who complain about marriage, dating, sex, or whatever are obvious incel haters.  

    I'm 49 and I could get laid this week and married in six months.  If you're a man over 35-40 and can't get a good woman then that says more about you than any of them.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. tl;dw

    I'm guessing they'll say Wemby will have more total stats because his team is ass, my dude while Chet will get good but lesser stats because of all the other guys around him.

    They'll both be really good players and it's even better if they're salty over the years.

  11. 1 hour ago, Kermit said:

    This shit was fucking hilarious. The Thunder are kicking the shit out of the Spurs and Wemby just days “fuck it” and decides to detonate on Chet. Chet’s like,  “what he say fuck me for” and finally wakes up (dude had been sleepwalking for a majority of the game), plows into Wemby in anger, and then proceeds to get fed the ball by his teammates and yams it on the less fortunate who get switched onto him. Then Wemby tries to murder Chet. Round 3 is February 29th.

    Chet outscored him in the quarter 9-6 but yeah, sleepwalking until then until Wemby lowered his shoulder into him

    I like this, though.  I'll definitely tune in for the next round.  Even the Thunder bench was getting into it.


  12. Speaking of staying healthy, Zion Williams has played 36 games (out of 44) so far this season.  That's the most games he's played since the 20/21 season.  The means he'll prolly sprain his ankle soon and be out for six months.

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