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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. 32 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Bunch of MAGA truckers are vowing to shut down shipments to New York unless they reverse the judgement.

    So many of these dudes are probably in debt, cheering for a “billionaire” who would stiff them in a heartbeat if he contracted out to them.

    Meanwhile liberal truckers will make more money…


    Fine.  There is a glut of capacity in the market.  We'll somehow be fine.

  2. On 2/15/2024 at 7:02 PM, Chad Fuck said:

    My uncle had a similar deal with my aunt while he was in Vietnam. I asked her about it later, after he’d passed. After getting over the shock of me asking, she said she didn’t begrudge him much when every day held the specter of death. People have needs. I didn’t ask her what it was like being alone stateside with three kids wondering if your husband would make it back. She’s gone now too. Perspective. She had it.


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  3. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Also, I recently shopped at HEB for a very big party we had at our home (100 people or so).  First cart was around $200, was full of meat, cheese, and other things that weren't the cheapest items in the store, but not the most expensive.  But I bought a LOT, like had an overflowing cart.  Second cart was similar in cost and size, and that was full of lots of beer, a more expensive item.  In other words, I spent around $400 on enough food and beer for 100+ people (and we had leftovers of both).  Tucker is a stupid, disingenuous, easily manipulated, lying piece of shit.  Shit, if he improved his character 1000%, he might be that -- today, he's much worse than that.  He is a fucking traitor working against American interests, providing aid and comfort to our enemies.

    At this point, I am all but certain that Trump will indeed name him as his VP candidate.  And no, I'm not kidding even a little bit.

    I always thought he was crafty and played stupid to the rubes.  After watching some of these videos, I'm starting to wonder if he's legitimately stupid.  It's hard to play as stupid as he's acting right now.  "Look at this shopping cart!!!"  

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  4. 19 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    seriously, this as well. I never manage to walk out of HEB without spending between 150-200, even if it was supposed to be me just getting half a dozen things. Rarely is my cart more than half full. It would take me at least two full fucking carts to buy $400 worth of shit, unless we're fucking playing supermarket sweep and I go straight for the Manuka Honey and expensive wine. 3 carts if I go for the garden hoses. 

    Anyway, it's complete bullshit. 

    Yeah, $400 to feed his crew for a week is ridiculous.  I can feed an entire family for $100.  Might not be great food but I can.  (Those fat $5 rotisserie chickens from either Sam's or Costco are gold.)  Mix in some spaghetti (also cheap) and throw in one good meal with some steak/beef/whatever.  Only way you'd drop $400 is by going to Whole Foods or Central Market.  He knows better but his followers are all useful idiots.

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  5. 12 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    $400? For what we saw there? Not even if he was shopping at Erewhons.  

    I like how non of his fan boys are questioning this.  I'm in Big Food and $400 at a lower tier store in America is about 3-4 full carts.  He has one half empty cart and he just says "$400!!!" and the fan boys just believe it.


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  6. Over 60% of Russians spend half their salary on food.  Sounds great.  Also, you can deliver food real cheap when you don't have to worry about food safety or paying people.

    I'm sure it's all a coincidence that the Tucker interview happened the same time Trump threatened to pull out of NATO, the House refusing to vote on Ukraine aid, and Russia wanting nukes in space.  I'm sure all of those happening within 2 weeks is just random, right?

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  7. 1 hour ago, GenXer said:

    I turned type 1 diabetic at 17. Healthcare and its costs have always been a top issue for me. Republicans showed they didn’t give a shit about healthcare in the 90’s.

    Until obamacare I couldn’t buy health insurance on the open market because no health insurance company would sell to the high risk customers.

    User name is very relevant here.  Well done.

    Just stop being poor and stop being sick.  Problem solved.  

  8. Gen X is now old enough know that medical problems can be completely random and we'd rather them not ruin our lives financially even if we survive.

    So yeah, Team Obamacare here.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I understand that idea but failing to pay back debt feels like its compounding one problem perhaps into a bigger problem.

    Maybe others disagree but there is something about owning your responsibilities. Or at least attempting to do so. I watched my parents go into bankruptcy to avoid debt, and then I watched them borrow from a family member. Guess how much that family member got paid back? $0. I lost respect for my parents 30 years ago that has never returned. 

    I get that the bank is faceless and amoral but I think there is something about not stealing. Call me crazy.

    While I generally agree with that, the personal bankruptcy laws were written for cases like this to begin with.  Most all of the other bills are up to date except for this one large medical expense.  You're generally right, though, that a lot of people that declare bankruptcy later end up in the same problems years later for the same reasons that got them in trouble to begin with.  His primary house and retirement accounts are protected and those vital to his retirement.  

    Assuming he's around 50, he needs to start putting away much more into retirement, especially considering the wife can't/won't work.  (Still don't understand this but that's not going to change here.)  If he has any hope of a decent retirement, he needs to let the debt go and save as much as he can.

  10. On 2/7/2024 at 7:22 PM, burntorangebongos said:

    Yeah, why can't he get a 0% interest credit card and transfer the debt from some of the high interest cards? If the credit score is decent, they will likely let you have one.  I used to do that when I needed to buy something big. I kept moving the debt to a zero interest card offer. That was back in the 90s so maybe things have changed. But credit card companies don't care where they get their money from, just as long as they get it. 

    How about just stop paying on the CC altogether?  He's going to pay well over $125K paying this $90K off and at the end of the day, it's not like he's getting a plaque or something for having a good credit score and he'd be better off putting that +$100K towards retirement.

  11. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah....nothing THERE says "youth minister who has had allegations of sexual abuse against him covered up for years."

    Why are these people all fucking creepy losers?

    Mentioned this in one of the other threads but the podcast "Plain English with Derek Thompson" recently had an episode titled "The Gender War Within Gen Z."  It's not your imagination.  The more incel type guys are becoming more conservative/right wing while the girls are becoming more liberal.  He looks at not only the US but also Western Europe and South Korea.  He gets into the how and why.  Really good episode to the point I've listened to it twice.

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