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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. Of course we all don't like Taylor Swift.  We're a bunch of middle aged men.  I'm 50 years old and she writes songs for young women with cracked iPhones driving used Honda Civics.  

    You don't have to like something to understand why it's popular.  It's basic economics and business.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1
  2. 14 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I know we talk about incels and the online shit, but there’s always things like Facebook.  Granted I was in my 20s before Facebook was a thing, but almost half of my friends/former classmates and coworkers on there (that I’ve known going back to the 80s) are women and plenty are single. If I was suddenly single and wanted to quickly find a date, there’s probably 20 or 30 I could find through there or through friends and family on there, because I didn’t treat my former classmates/coworkers/friends like shit or place them on a pedestal or just act weird around them or towards them in general, nor is my FB feed weird and I’m not posting stupid shit on there.

    These incel dumbfucks have the problem of growing up around social media where they post stupid shit that can easily turn women off, and their record is there for everybody to see - especially when they do something like ask somebody out, get turned down, and then go on a social media rant about “the dumb bitch doesn’t know what she’s missing out on”. Congratulations, you’ve just told any decent women to never be alone with you or accept a date with you.  

    Most of these idiots have always known social media, have always been on it, did stupid shit when they were teens on it to get the likes, and they just don’t have a gap between stupid shit in their teens that would get beaten out of them or get them shunned, and them being older and having learned.  It’s just a pipeline of stupid shit that stays with them.


    18 hours ago, BamaATL said:

    Online dating/hooking up is the modern day equivalent to cosplaying Captain Ahab.  If you want good odds, do things like volunteering at the local animal shelter, going to a yoga class, etc.  You know, where women actually are.  Online cruising for ladies is lazy, plus you get lumped in with all the creeps, and I am generally betting your overall odds are pretty low.  Then once in presence of women, don't act like an ass, then you got a shot.  

    Both of these.  The incel types I keep seeing are such a fucking beating.  No woman would want to spend 10 minutes with them let alone date/marry.

    Very good point about them being online their entire lives.

    Also a good point about going to where women actually are.  Stop listening to Joe Rogan or something and go to a yoga class or run group.  (Run groups are also predominantly women.)  If I wasn't married, I could throw so much leg at the yoga studio I go to.  They all know my wife so they don't openly hit on me.  The wife and I even joke about it.

    There is a VERY good podcast out there right now about this.  "Plain English with Derek Thompson" is part of the Ringer network.  He dropped one last week titled "The Gender War Within Gen Z" and looks at why and how young men are becoming more conservative while young women are becoming more liberal.  He looks at the US, Western Europe, and South Korea.  I've listened to this twice and it's VERY good.  In short, young men feel they have fewer and fewer sexual/dating options.  (They actually don't but that's the point.)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 18 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    I did not know that about the AFL franchise moving to K.C.  I know a fair amount about the Hunt family history, but jackshit about the NFL history.  

    A funny aside, earlier today---wife was on her usual Saturday conf. call with her family.  Almost all of whom are in Kansas and lifelong Chiefs fans.  Literally half of them said they weren't going to watch the game tomorrow.  Because you know, it's only the Super Bowl and the most exciting thing to happen to Kansas since the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918.

    And they're all lying.

    • Haha 1
  4. They should do like ESPN does with MNF.  The game on one channel and the other channel with celebrity commentary.  Instead of the Mannings, just a full time insert of Taylor Swift and whoever else is in her suite.

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