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Aqua Buddha

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Everything posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. I noticed that as well on the rewatch. She also gave a similar look to Roman at the boardroom table while he was picking at his bandage. Then, as they followed her to the other room during the vote, they started arguing and fighting. She realized they were just grown children. I've heard some people say that had they not followed her, she might have kept her vote but they started fighting and wrestling and that sealed it.
  2. At first glance, yes, but don't underestimate the demand of all the do it yourself/home improvement/interior design shows. There likely isn't any overlap between prestige TV fans and the Chip and Jo Jo bubble. If he can get those people to buy into Max, that's a win. We've had HBO for years and as far as this add on, we seem to get the Anthony Bourdain shows and outside of those, there is nothing I want to watch.
  3. Reported about an hour ago. Bout fucking time. She was convicted almost a year and a half ago. Brazenly tried to have kids thinking they’d never sentence a woman with two young kids. This wasn’t just about stealing money. People made health decisions based on what she did.
  4. I've never bagged on his decision. The problem I have with him is his insistence on how impossible it is for fat people to lose weight. He's just simply wrong. It's hard but not impossible. He seems to be realizing now that this is a grind. No shit. I openly admit how hard it was for him. He sure as motherfuck needs to admit how hard it was for "people like me." If he weren't so sensitive about it, he'd realize people "like me" are here to help him. We want him to succeed.
  5. My point in the post was that Wulaw seems to be realizing this is hard whereas he thought weight just fell off for everyone but him. Yes, it's hard. Not shit. Congrats on your 40 that you lost. That was hard, too. It's also hard to keep it off.
  6. There are some parallels between Succession and Yellowstone. Mainly a patriarch has some kids that may or may not inherit everything. The parallels mostly end there because Yellowstone is a stupid fucking show at this point. However, in both, there are multiple sons and only one daughter. Also, the writers seem to struggle with female characters. In each, they took the simple route, which was to make her like a man. Both Beth Dutton and Shiv swear, drink, and fuck their way through life. They're jolly good fun but not that accurate. Imagine Succession if there were 2 daughters and 2 sons or 3 daughters and 1 son. Dynamics are totally different and the writers would actually have to write for a female character. The real life blueprint is even there with Sumner and Shari Redstone.
  7. Did you miss the part where I said I hope it works for him?
  8. Nope. Been there, done that. Dropped the weight 10 years ago. It's all diet and exercise. I look back and some of the pictures from that time period and I wish someone had told me I was fat. These surgeries are even about diet. They're cutting it in half. Wulaw seems to be moving more now so that's good. I really do hope it works for him. But yeah, it's hard. No shit. These surgeries aren't without risk, either. Guy I used to work with had one done and lost about 100lbs. He openly admitted he ate way too much but I digress. He's in the hospital right now because of a bowel obstruction, which is evidently common with these. They had to fly him to a second hospital because his weight loss doctor had to be part of the surgery for some reason. Said he's basically a patient for life.
  9. I found the whole thing pretty sexist but maybe that was Armstrong's entire point with a commentary towards gender norms. It's Shiv's fathers company and the only way she can get a seat at the table is to sell it to where her husband ca now be CEO? Maybe that was the point with Kendall saying "I'm the oldest boy." (I never understood why that mattered but it does to some people.) Also, I didn't like how all of this unfolded with 10 minutes left or something. Just seemed lazy.
  10. Now you understand the struggle the rest of us fought. You could have done without surgery. You just didn't. Now start giving props to the ones of us who did it the way you didn't. Our struggle was harder than yours and that's fine. Just admit that.
  11. But that fact was known before the last few minutes. That's why it's a bad ending.
  12. That's a terrible ending. Sorry. Great show. Terrible ending.
  13. Doubling down on my Ewan theory. James Cromwell as an actor has the gravitas to pull it off. Ewan was also out of the mix until last episode where he horned in on the funeral.
  14. My prediction is that he leaves it all to Ewan (James Cromwell) and then he blows it up. Logan knew his kids weren't "serious people" and Ewan owns a lot of shares anyway. All the kids would then be left to twist. I could be wrong but it would be awesome.
  15. The best part of the Bama Rush doc was realizing kids from all over the country want to go to a mid tier public school in rural fucking Alabama. Kids from all over want to go to UC Boulder but it's in fucking Boulder. Nick Saban is worth his weight in gold to them just in marketing to out of state students alone.
  16. Six Feet Under gets points for how the stuck the ending. The finale perfectly tied everything off and was true to the series and the characters.
  17. What sayeth the Spurs fans? If I'm Okie City, I'm the one that doesn't make that. The Clippers 2026 looks tasty at this point.
  18. Sometimes it works out for the other woman if they play the long game and negotiate a good prenup. Suze Welch and Bezos' gal say hi.
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