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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. my next door neighbor growing up had the most insane case of little man syndrome you've ever seen, plus sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. he worshipped a&m, and his life's dream was to become a member of the vaunted aggy corp of cadets. his psycho parents fed into this kid's psycho tendencies by constantly weaponizing him throughout the years, making sure that every birthday and christmas he got a gaggle of new toys with which to set fire to things and murder animals. the guy seriously shot his brother's cat in the head with a real bow and arrow when he was in like 5th grade, and they just continued to give the little psycho more weapons- knives, swords, chinese throwing stars, stakes, spikes, you name it. I once saw him grab a gold fish out of their koi pond, douse it in lighter fluid, stab it to death with a garden spike, and then cheer and celebrate. this kid was the poster child for the triangle of sociopathy/future serial killer warning signs. guess what he does for a living now? yep. this psycho has been climbing the ranks at HPD for I want to say almost 15 years now, if not more. he started at the bottom, worked his way up to sargent, and is now quite high up within the homeland security division of HPD. i would say that this is frightening, and that it's only a matter of time before he kills someone, except that he already has killed someone, years ago, with a brand new shotgun that his idiot parents had bought him as a christmas gift. i mean you just knew he couldn't wait to use it, right? he got a report of a burglary, showed up to the scene, saw a teenager running out of the house and just blasted him right there on the front porch, no questions asked. kid died right there. that was over a decade ago, and yet the guy hasn't stopped climbing the ranks. Police are not special people, and in fact in my experience it is not uncommon at all for police forces around this area, the south, and even the country in general to be populated more by these types of of lifetime losers who just want a taste of power than they are by people who meet even the most basic standards of reason, empathy, and logic. they are not heroes, and in fact they far more often appear to be bullied kids who've grown up to be Legal Bullies with the Blue Shield protecting them more than they ever protect any of us. fuck cops, and fuck anyone who's still out here talking about "back the blue."
  2. we'll adapt. some days will have more sun than others, some will have less. is that seriously too gargantuan a problem for us as humans to conquer? come on now. we got this.
  3. the crowd noise is great, and the Kimmich goal was even better.
  4. please don't tell me this is seriously too complex for you to understand. tonytexan? absolutely. guy's a moron. i'm 0% surprised that he doesn't understand that adding four hours to a day of the week makes that day longer. either that, or he's so stupid that he thinks i'm literally claiming that i've just discovered a way to expand time. but you? you should be better than that.
  5. that's literally what it will do- give you four extra hours in a day.
  6. Now hear me out- it would take some getting used to, that's for sure, but I think the long term benefits of doing away with Wednesdays would outweigh whatever temporary adjustment period there may be. Here's how and why: We divide up the 24 hours from Wednesday evenly among the other six days. Days are now 28 hours long, necessitating a switch to military time. Instead of working five days a week/eight hours a day, you now work 4 days a week/10 hours per day. The work week is M, T, Th, F, and the weekends are still Saturday and Sunday. Now everyone has more time to get shit done, and more time to sleep as well. With 28 hours in a day the need for 8 consecutive hours of sleep will be a thing of the past, as twice-daily 4-6 hour naps become the norm. And all because we did away with dumb old Wednesday, everyone's least favorite day of the week. So who's with me??
  7. Magic Michael LeBron Duncan Hakeem Sixth man: Larry Bird
  8. the Planets Only bit alone was funnier than the first several episodes of this season combined. the show has much better over the last couple of episodes. not sure what the issue was earlier on in this season, but they're back in form.
  9. i mean we tried to lose it, but i guess old habits die hard with NU.
  10. This win was so hilarious. A talented, but woefully coached Texas team walks into Lincoln and just dominates the heavily favored Huskers, only to go on to be terrible again from there on out. Still, this is a great photo, and indicative of the pure dominance we've had over NU the last couple of decades. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. another one from that same interview that gets overshadowed is, "...because he's a premature ejaculator." kills me every time.
  12. Mullin and Price would be remembered/thought of much differently if they were black, imo. those two guys are super underrated not only in NBA history, but even within their own era. If Mullin played today he'd go nuts scoring the ball. Price would average a double double and shoot 50/45/90. But no one ever seems to talk about them.
  13. but his most notable career achievement was being my orthodontist when I was a kid.
  14. Mike Wacker, Jim Krivacs, and Jay Arnette come to mind. And obviously greggym.
  15. there's a conversation going on in the BCS thread where several people claim that BCS > BB, and to me that's lunacy. there are countless scenes/episodes of BB that are absolutely gripping, a quality that is just lacking from BCS almost entirely. Crawl Space, Half Measurea, Full Measure, Face Off, Box Cutter, Salud, Grilled, Ozymandias, Felina...that's just off the top of my head. The visceral reactions to these episodes, the way that they physically and emotionally affected me/took a hold of me...I've never really seen anything like from any other show. BB is the GOAT.
  16. Ira Clark and Cam Ridley just graduated as well. 🤘🏼
  17. from Dan Harmon: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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