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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. right. because banning du-rags, and earrings, and black hairstyles, and telling black kids they're going to work at Popeye's leaves just sooooo much room for interpretation.
  2. i think i'll do a bit of research. maybe some others will chime in with different opinions.
  3. awesome man, thank you very much. i'm really excited to finally be able to do this, and i definitely have zero clue what i'm doing, so your help is much appreciated. also, today i learned that we have a Hobbies forum. you don't even want to know how much time i spent searching for this thread over on Daily Texan.
  4. this is is great stuff, thank you. next question: what am i looking at spending if i go for something better than a point and shoot, something like what you described when talking about learning about exposure, land composition, etc? because even if i can't afford it right now right now, ultimately i'd like to learn as much as I can and then continue to progress towards better and better cameras/equipment. photography is a real passion of mine, i've just never been able to afford a real camera. when i do get one, i don't want to cut any corners or sell myself short. for me the proper equipment will be worth the investment.
  5. roger that. is there any camera/camera equipment that you would personally recommend that's in my price range? follow-up question: are most of the cameras out there fairly intuitive, or is there somewhat of a learning curve when it comes to mastering them?
  6. trying to keep it under $1,000, but definitely happy to spend less if i can get what i'm looking for.
  7. plus we're going to play our toughest ever non-con schedule under Shaka, so we won't be rolling into Big XII play at 12-1 or anything like that.
  8. so after only ever having a phone with which to take photos, i'm finally going to be able to get myself an actual camera. I love photography, but I really don't know the first thing about cameras/camera equipment, so any and all advice and recommendations would be much appreciated. I mostly like to shoot outdoorsy stuff, but i'd also like to shoot sports as well. hopefully you guys can help me find the right camera to do that. so let me know!
  9. i canceled my cable yesterday. is there anywhere to catch these episodes online?
  10. Menace II Society was based on my life.
  11. A)kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with the military or its veterans, and B)the insane and fucked up irony in all of this is that people like you fought for the right to peacefully protest and yet you still somehow find it disrespectful to actually practice that freedom. ugh.
  12. indeed, she's good people. and FTR, so is Drew. I dunno WTF this fool was thinking bringing up the whole "disrespecting the flag" argument when it's not even germane to peaceful protest that is kneeling during the anthem, it in all honesty he's a good role model, a great dad, and just an all around good guy. he's NO's favorite son (adopted son) for a reason. He's definitely going to need to do some serious damage control after this episode though. he's don a ton of good for New Orleans, so I hope that they are quick to forgive, assuming he makes the proper mea culpas.
  13. i grew up around westlake kids, i knew Drew and Reid Brees (and their step sister, granddaughter of Harley Clark) growing up, I've been teaching Westlake kids for years, and there's probably not a single poster who's made more accurate takes about Texas basketball than I have. so uh, great post.
  14. uhhhhh, you'd be wrong. Westlake kids these days are woker than ever. certainly more woke than they were 20-25 years ago when Brees went there. to be clear, i'm not saying that Westlake kids actually "get it", because of course they still don't. but yeah, the Westlake kids these days are a different breed from those of the mid 90's.
  15. that said, without a completely new offense our chances of earning a 3 seed are nonexistent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Lunardi has Texas as a 3 seed in his latest bracketology. Projecting the tournament field right now is dumb, but it shows that the national expectations on Texas will be high. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. back to the lecture at hand, this is an impossible execrcise. here's why- we've left the "greatest PG of all time" echelon and moved squarely into the tier below that, which makes "ranking" these guys almost exclusively subjective based on a litany of factors, both between the players themselves (i.e. career stats vs prime abilities) as well as those of us attempting to have this debate (do I value passing and defense more than scoring and shooting- what era did i grow up in- from which era are the rules- and so on). to me you can't really rank these guys in a vacuum because there are simply way too many factors and question marks that all of us would have to agree on to come to an understanding of *how* to rank these players. so to me it's less about "ranking" them, and more about just talking about their different strengths and weaknesses, which eras they would thrive in, and who their teammates would need to be. these guys all played the same position, but they are such different, and flawed, and imperfect players that each guy's value goes up or down depending on his coach, teammates, era, team play style, etc. even if you try and make it "you're starting a team today and you *have* to start by choosing one of these PGs" then it's still going to come down to personal preference (i.e. do I know that i want a build a team that will run up and down, do i want to draft the best possible players and build the system around what I have, do I want to play completely different style, etc). Stockton and Payton are the most solid all around guys. One is the steals and assists leader and a member of the Dream Team, the other is one of the best perimeter defenders ever, one of the strongest minded players ever, and one of the best trash talkers ever, and he was an a over average offensive player as well. You can't go wrong with either one, and each has fewer/less severe glaring holes than the other three. If you want your team to get up and down eschewing defense for scoring then the answer is Nash and it's not close. He's also a warrior and a winner, even if he never won a title. Kidd is an absolute dynamo but you really need to build a specific type of team around him, and can't just plug him in to any lineup like you can with some of these other guys. And Chris Paul should probably be considered a unanimous top 5 PG of all time based on his skill and career stats, but everyone in the NBA hates him, he sucks as teammate, and he's not a winner. I wouldn't want him on my team no matter what. So there you go. How can I rank this second-tier group of PG's when they're all such drastically different players with different skill sets and glaring flaws? Based on everything I've just said it would seem that my breakdown of these guys would look like this: Payton/Stockton Nash Kidd CP3 and that's with me acknowledging that the guy who I have waaaaay behind everyone else might be more talented than Stockton, my co-no.1. hence why i don't see a way to rank these guys in a vacuum.
  18. Here it is: this is like saying that Tom Brady can't be the GOAT in football because he would make a poor cornerback. It has nothing to do with his GOAT status, it's just a commentary on which skills he has and which ones he doesn't. Gretzky wouldn't make a great defenseman; but what does that have to do with his status as the GOAT? Nothing.
  19. 5 Gretzky's would beat the college national Champion 23-0. it would be laughable how easily they'd score. It would be like 5 prime Larry Bird's taking on UVA or Michigan State. It just wouldn't even be close.
  20. yeah this was too much. also, Gretzky wasn't a defender. defending in hockey is not analogous to defending in basketball. there are no designated defensive players in basketball like there are in sports like hockey and soccer. there's a reason that all of the greatest players of all time in those sports are forwards/attackers. when the final score of a game often involves 2-3 TOTAL goals between both teams, there's no substitute for someone who simply cannot be stopped from scoring or creating goals. I'm sure that a team filled with 11 Messi's, or Maradonna's, or Pele's would be lacking in certain areas too, but that has nothing to do with whether or not they are the GOAT in their sport. to put it more succinctly: NOBODY disputes that Gretzky is the hockey GOAT. Nobody. Lemeuix, Ovechkin, Crosby, whoever the best has been at any random time in my life, NOBODY thinks that there's an argument that any of them is even the equal of The Great One. Meanwhile I've heard people make cases for Magic, Russell, MJ, LeBron, and yes, even a shit ton of people who think that Kobe is the GOAT. There's only one major pro sport where nobody debates or disputes who the GOAT is, and that, by definition, makes Gretzky the GOATiest GOAT of all time.
  21. this season was a letdown overall. the best episode from this season wouldn't make my top 10, which really sucks considering that we had such a long layoff followed by two underwhelming, five-episode mini seasons. they need to do better in the future.
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