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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. confirming the correct use of the word fucking
  2. They just need to stop treating them differently that’s all. The level of competition has dramatically increased and with that athletic ability. Heck there are volleyball players I have no doubt could dunk the basketball with ease. It’s just a different era now. It’s time to make the sport match the level of competition and athleticism.
  3. I agree the field is too small - I don’t think as many fly balls should be automatic outs either, i think poorly hit balls should be more opportunities for double plays. I also think they can handle 9 innings. I have the same view about tennis, wtf men grand slams are 5 sets and women stay at 3 (men at at 3 for most other tournaments).
  4. I usually only fish Fridays and it’s all to myself after a few days of lighter fishing so the fish are less pressured. This Friday with it being a holiday there were even a dozen fly anglers out in the skinniest water. The fish were hunkered down but with a ton of pressure anyway. I think popularity of the sport and climate issues are definitely making it much harder. I don’t mind working hard for the catch, I just need conducive conditions.
  5. As usual you are on point. hands down like bowing down or slapping something down means slide into third and the more animated the closer the call will be. windmill and pointing to home or tomahawking toward home means go. And once again the more animated the motion the closer the call will be at the plate. single hand stop sign or pointing to the base means stay. shit even in early stage little league when touching the base isn’t a given you give the hand signals for where to go and yell “touch the base!!” pointing at third means hold up at third 10 out of 10 times.
  6. He handled that well. Sounds like he came around to realizing pointing at third is easily misconstrued as stay at third. He said he apologized to Bella. Gave her credit for bouncing back. Good deal.* * still a boneheaded signal.
  7. These people love shitty rap music.
  8. Of course he was pointing to third which in and of itself is just a bad decision but not without complete merit. Gotta have the runs, don’t get thrown out at home yada yada yada but he’d be wrong there. The problem which I’m still not over is he fucking blamed her. Just look at the sign he made to her, then the sign he mimicked to coach Steve - NOT the same - then look at what Steve showed him to do with the fucking roto arms. I can’t fucking believe he blamed her. That was one of the most hideous coaching displays (blaming her) I’ve ever seen.
  9. took a nice sunset cruise, smelled the lake air with my dog, got a little handsy with the wifey before coming back, now listening to Clint Black and other old school country, cleaning my boat, barefoot on the dock with a beer in my hand, alone and loving it.
  10. I rolled through Sinton twice this past few days and thought of Bill.
  11. I’ve always thought they should be on the baseball and basketball boards. But whateves.
  12. Ladies gonna UofH game 3 these aggy bitches tomorrow. And I’m going to laugh my ass off the rest of the holiday weekend. “Remember when” is god damn right.
  13. raises her hand, I’m one of them. I watch a lot less sports all together now but to be honest if I was to invest in new sports allegiances it would be women’s sports. I grew up only watching amateur sports and I enjoy the UT women’s sports more every time I watch them for that reason.
  14. The universe will right itself tomorrow. Texas gonna Texas. Aggy gonna aggy.
  15. Close these bitches out so I can go Memorial Day with my wifey please.
  16. 😬 some of them might like to mow the grass if you know what I’m saying.
  17. I think he should ask her for consent. Did I do that right?
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