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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. OU, A&M, Tech and most of the SEC schools are off limits in my house. We have modest college savings but I’ll suck it up and find another way before we do any of those. UTSA and UTD as a transfer to UT are the only other schools besides UT my sophomore is looking at. Oregon, Washington, and Michigan (not sure why) are on his list. Trips start soon… but back to the happiness issue - my childhood was shit, not overly abusive or anything but shit (don’t get me wrong bare ass belt whippings were a thing). Not a lot of fun, preoccupied narcissistic or depressed all to hell parents, shit rolls downhill, no money, strained and distant relationships with my folks, blah blah, and I think the fun deficit and lack of good memories is a major issue for me that I’m still chasing. I’ve tried to balance with my kids so they have fun and have a well of good memories to draw upon to feel positive about their lives. I truly think if kids can be kids then you’ve got a good foundation to launch from. The hard part is all the fucked up adults keep driving their kids over the cliff or let society do it for them.
  2. it works, but not as well as your doomsday cliff jumping pundit routine.
  3. yeah I think Buchanan's rise from this event is just starting.
  4. Buchanan up 2 ft so far and flows suggest more to come. Travis up a foot. Ground is soaked so any more rain in the next few weeks would be awesome.
  5. I didn’t think we would win the first or second match up against that guy. I hoped, I was all in during the game but I did not go into either thinking anything other than some amorphous Texas magic would have a chance to win.
  6. Outstanding news. We are too late but we still may figure this out. Now finish developing the atmospheric shop vacs and get them out there to suck CO2 out.
  7. Kyle Rittenhouse decided not to be outdid and is back in the news. So I think Kyle Rittenhouse is the next Kyle Rittenhouse.
  8. Not to be out done by JP Staples.
  9. The original “personal” massager. Plugs into an outlet.
  10. I don’t belittle getting there at all, but I do want our team to have a legit shot to win when there. The closest was the MSU championship year and while we were close on paper none of us at that time thought we had a chance to get past them and we didn’t - lost to them twice. he’s a known asshole without the street cred of winning big. He’s mismanaged the pitching and the assistants. Tulo resigned and where did he go? He’s taken over the pitching staff and it’s been lack luster. he’s a championship caliber coach but then the last 5-6 posts discuss his flaws, some major flaws. DVH isn’t a guy I would want either. Schloss may be about to go on a tear. I haven’t watched closely but his trajectory is nice at A&M thus far. But I don’t know. Keep in mind when A&M is good Texas is almost always struggling. Pointing back to Pierce again. I don’t know who the next coach should be, but I’m pretty sure Pierce ain’t winning it all here.
  11. And last 24 hours Buchanan watershed..
  12. North and south llano about to take it again. “Llan-oh god yes” is right.
  13. Mother of god. That’s enough to do more than ruin a roof.
  14. Ha excuse to go to bed… 6%, I’m out.
  15. For the short term yeah but the mid term water anywhere in the lcra basin above mansfield is water in Travis sooner or later.
  16. Could be a 3-4 inch total just under OH Ivie and Pecan Bayou might clear 8 inches tonight. 10 an outside chance. That’s a fucking rain bomb.
  17. Upper Buchanan basis / pecan Bayou which flows directly into the Colorado is over 6 inches tonight. It won’t make Travis but water in Buchanan is ultimately the same thing.
  18. commercial real estate? Of course they do.
  19. His ceiling is still CWS appearances he’s done nothing this year to lead me to believe he’s going to win a championship in the next 5 or 10 years. Going from mediocre to good in a season is impressive, but it’s not enough for Texas baseball.
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