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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. I mean I was thinking he’d just be convicted of at least 1 out of 90 felonies he’s charged with but legally incapacitated is probably just as good as legally incarcerated in my book.
  2. The motivations and values of all stakeholders combined determine corporate ethics. i represent a public company, i do work for them as a customer. We demand adherence to our corporate ethics from our vendors. So to those vendors the customer stakeholder in part determines their corporate ethics. the point being, recognizing all stakeholders and the value derived from listening to all stakeholders values should = fiduciary responsibility. But in large part it does not.
  3. I agree 100%. but I think corporate ethics have an indirect benefit to the profitability of the company - as society demands more from them and they behave accordingly. a lot of the supply chain concerns, waste, pollution, other behaviors that matter would also fall within a broadened understanding of what being a fiduciary really means, or should mean. But that's not where we are.
  4. Nailed it. Still pissed, though BP is lower and I’m working through it. But emotional after shocks for sure.
  5. My response was as a consumer - specifically to social media and its ancillary products and services. So in that regard I don't owe anyone, anything. My response as a business person is I can't personally innovate at scale and keep the level of service I feel comfortable offering. I'm an expensive lawyer that likes to provide intense levels of customer service. I fail often but succeed more often. I cannot scale that. Too many competitors don't give a fuck and too many workers don't give a fuck. other business endeavors similar - own several small businesses that are growing, can grow but will always be small compared to public companies. high level of customer service, not scalable to intense levels because of that. so I probably succumb to the tragedy of the commons in a form of I can't make it much better so get mine while I can without sacrificing too much of my morals. As a side note, I don't think fiduciary responsibility is the right term, though I get what you mean, it's frankly more corporate ethics. Once upon a time a fiduciary duty meant some level of "do the right thing" but it's not more like an unfettered, consequences be damned "loyalty pledge". Fiduciary responsibility, is oddly the problem, and the fiduciary responsibility is to profit unfortunately. In terms of governance, corporate ethics is where the innovation needs to occur.
  6. Fastest I’ve done on the street is 120 mph in a 1985 Honda prelude. That car had no ground effects and nearly lifted off the ground with the velocity of air rushing underneath it. I was 17. Age 48, I did 150 mph and hit the regulator on a track day in the number 42 Target car…
  7. Our fully loaded axis went for $100k when we bought it and back then we thought it was both pricey and a steal compared to the Malibu version at $150-170k. Now at $300k … or more for the brand names? Looks like we will take care of ours until we don’t want that style of boat any longer. also makes paying the sailing club payment much easier to handle. $700/month gives me pretty flexible access to a 35 foot dual helm sailboat.
  8. I sent a very direct email today explaining my displeasure with some invoicing that was revised after it was sent and after I paid and product was delivered, and the guy got his feeling hurt and called another guy that is on my team (this isn't a law firm thing, an outside endeavor) and anyway my guy agreed with the other guy. Then my guy sent an email telling me I was passive aggressive. I lost my shit. It's been hours and my system is still disregulated. I really hate it when people mistake aggressive for passive aggressive. He said "fine, you were extremely aggressive" to which hey - I can't disagree. I then said, still mad at the invoice situation, that I was aggressive and I'll work on my tone and do better. He then said "troph come on..." I also hate it when people assume I'm playing an emotional game when i'm mad and say, you know what, I'll do better but I'm still mad. oh, and the other guy isn't changing shit. in recap: one guy made a pretty serious mistake at least customer relations mistake I send a very direct email announcing my displeasure vendor guy calls my guy to complain - doesn't call me - they talk for an hour apparently. my guy agrees with the vendor guy my guy sends a long email telling me I'm being passive aggressive and I need to understand business is built on relationships I call my guy pissed. I ultimately agree to work on my tone. vendor doesn't change shit. so in conclusion - vendor fucks up, vendor and troph's business partner agree troph needs to apologize. troph apologizes and we move on. participants in this emotional menage a trois? an aggressive woman and two men. I need a mental health afternoon motherfuckers.
  9. Looks as bad - maybe worse than Mack’s “I gave up” tour after the 2009 rose bowl. Geez.
  10. Damn girl @Nicole44, your rep as a serial killer is about to over take south Austin’s mom’s rep as an slutty slut around here. Well done.
  11. If I can get off my ass I hope to see Steve Earle at whitewater and Bleachers at moody amphitheater. Prolly aftermarket already. My sons like the shows and I never regret going with them to see music.
  12. my folks used the phrase. Of course now it’s not politically appropriate to talk about spousal abuse so not sure what the fuck you’re supposed to say? The devil is a pansy ass in touch with his feelings and decided to have a good cry? Which I highly recommend when life gets tough btw.
  13. troph


    she is vastly underrated as one of the greatest singer songwriters of all time. Her music has been with me at the top of my personal charts for a long, long time. Smoke and Ashes plays on the reg around here.
  14. troph


    Luke Combs sang fast car with Tracy Chapman a queer black woman!!! on the Grammys tonight. I get the controversy surrounding his cover and the fact that the situation isn’t pure, but I appreciate the opportunity his success with it can bring for change. She played guitar and led the song, he was the supporting voice in the duet, no guitar. First she looked so good. Second, seeing her sing with a white male country star who chose to take a step back was inspiring to me. I actually cried for a second. I know he’s not the leader of the progressive country movement but I appreciate his willingness to take on his past and talk about the issues. anyway, it was a nice moment for queer, black, women. And I’m all for it.
  15. well I was laughing until moose man said quills could result in death. geez. way to kill a sunday afternoon chuckle and thanks for the intel that's actually good to know. I hope the pups recover. be vigilant.
  16. you had what most never get. and get another puppy if you need to. hang in there. we are here.
  17. I had that kind of love long ago, I once had a soulmate, it wasn’t meant to last a lifetime. Reconciling that perfection with the loss of it has been one of the greatest challenges of my life. I’m not sure it’s always ok with me but it just is. Well at the risk of telling a story that isn’t a fairy tale I’ll say this, I’ll walk with an emotional void and a limp the rest of my life. I really have no choice. But I’m ok, and you’ll be okay. And sometimes okay can really be spectacular. Definitely not now, but it can be in the future. But I know you are far from okay now. I guess I just want to witness feeling dead inside or even worse while breathing in and out is a thing. And it’s okay. In the divorce thread I’ll occasionally talk about how to rise above and all the habits needed to make it through. Shit if that is the thing here - I seriously doubt it. I think just breathing is the only thing to focus on. And not sure if wanting to be dead is a thing here for you, occasionally it is for me. I’ve learned for me it’s not really a desire but a thought escape. But just in case it is a thing for you in this time, the moment you think about how to do it like idle fantasizing about how to, when and where - that’s the time call someone. That’s the boundary line. Hurting so much you want to be gone is ok, thinking about doing it not so much. So you get there please call someone. If you want it to be me send me a DM and I’ll give you my number. if that thought life isn’t a risk for you then you have the first thing you can be grateful for. hang in there brother. We see you. And we will read every post and at the risk of being an obnoxious poster I’ll reply to every god damn one of them.
  18. Share as much as you want. Just wake up and breathe please. The rest seems pretty optional right now. I’m so sorry for your loss I wish I could do something.
  19. I think that only works in coal mines.
  20. troph


    It’s finally not a big deal, so kids are futzing around and trying it on. Most of them will be straight and boring don’t worry. Kinda like women making out with their roommates in college it’s just a thing. But it gives those that really are LGBTQ the room to come out so it’s a really good thing.
  21. troph


    It’s just a redefining of who the cool kids are which is also amazing in and of itself. you can almost hear them exclaim, “I’m queer too!!!”
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