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The Maestro

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Everything posted by The Maestro

  1. The longer this goes scoreless, the more likely we are to see Suarez bite someone.
  2. He shoulda protected his neck
  3. Pool's gonna have lots of chances with Roma chasing now
  4. KUTX is playing Willie all weekend
  5. Thanks for all the recs so far. We definitely have Morro rock, Crystal Cave, & General Sherman on our list already.
  6. We're taking the great western family trip this summer to see Sequoia & Kings Canyon National parks. I think we've settled on the Three Rivers area as our base. What are your must see spots? I'm also looking for recs on good, nearby food, beer, etc. TIA, I'll hang up & listen....
  7. I wonder if Dirtbike posts on his neighborhood's Nexdoor. Talk about Gold, Jerry!
  8. Any yard-art advice for this guy? Yard Oil Derrick I'm looking for someone who knows or makes a metal oil derrick for my front yard...It needs to be at least 4 foot.... Thx for any help
  9. How do they take the length?
  10. Potted meats of several varieties. I can't believe I ever ate that shit.
  11. I’ve not had Wooderson on draft, but wasn’t there mpressed with the sixes of cans I bought. I’ve enjoyed their other IPAs I’ve had on draft.
  12. Just came across my feed: Bird stuck in fireplace....HELP! We heard the sound of birds starting 2 days ago so we closed up the flue thinking that maybe we had some birds on top and didn't want them to get in. I continued to hear birds yesterday and today and now I've confirmed what I feared, a bird is in our fireplace. If I open the screen, I'm afraid he's going to fly into my house which would be a bigger issue. He actually landed on my screen for me to get a view of him just now. If he stays, he will die a slow death and then I'll have to deal with removal of a dead bird and possible foul smells. Any advice or a service I should call? He's now been in my fireplace for at least 3 days. Thanks neighbors!
  13. Saw some this morning at Far West HEB
  14. I figured somebody would recognize
  15. One of my favorites is the concern about coyotes in my 'hood. On lady hysterically posted about a coyote boldly walking down the middle of the street. The picture she posted was of someone's German Shepherd. There are also a few posts about suspicious people driving slowly that "clearly don't live in the neighborhood." There's usually no reply when someone asks them to clarify what they mean by that.
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