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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigOrange1

  1. Anthony Hill did it in Tuscaloosa and it was pretty awesome.
  2. man this would be such a nice win to add to the resume if we could get it. i wouldn't say i'm terribly confident that is going to happen however.
  3. agreed. we've got the 6 young guys + brooks and van vleet. then old man jeff green gets a few minutes spelling sengun. that should be the rotation for the rest of the season assuming no significant trade is made in the next 5 days.
  4. i wanted them to pick Whitmore at #4. cannot belive he fell all the way to 20.
  5. Over the past couple of months, I have watched seasons 2-5 in order. I watched season 2 and 3 when they aired but had never watched season 4 (it was not good). I "binged" season 5 over the past week and a half or so and really enjoyed it, but man i couldn't disagree more that it was comical and not too dark. I thought it was easily the darkest season of the show and that up until the final scene there really wasn't much comedy to it (wayne made the final scene funny in the way that fargo is typically funny). there were some moments late in the season where i almost thought it was too dark and hamm's character was easily the most despicable character in the fargo cannon. that's not to say i didn't enjoy the season, because i did, but man i feel like i watched a different show than you did.
  6. this is a really cool idea and i hope it gains some traction.
  7. jalen green is balling the fuck out again tonight. 20 points on 8-13 shooting in the first half.
  8. anyone who uses terminology like "snowflake social justice warrior" really isn't someone who is worth engaging in conversation with on anything substantive.
  9. 34, 12 (reb), and 7 on 12-23 shooting for green tonight. sengun went for 31, 12, and 7. jabari had 18 and 9. whitmore had 20 on 7-12 shooting in 18 minutes of pt. maybe the best overall game of the season for the rockets' young core.
  10. that no call on the offensive push off was a big moment.
  11. make the first two, miss the third and get the offensive board?
  12. where the fuck is the offensive foul call??
  14. gonna need to find a way to do something offensively.
  15. of course the 57% ft shooter knocks them both down
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