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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by InkaUtexas

  1. That could be real fun to watch! So who should they get as a QB? As long as not to the Cowboys OK.
  2. yeah I know the rules. Did you forget what site you are on?
  3. Trying to keep up with both threads and all I now want to do is look at all the covers. Time to merge them.
  4. Yeah, went out right before sunset to plant in some bulbs. I know, a bit late for this season, but fuck it, wanted the space back. Damp soil, this temp and a steady breeze. Said fuck it, I am out. Supposed to help a friend smoke about 200 pounds of venison tonight. All ready to go, we just have to watch the smoker. Getting warm now for it, and damn not excited but needs to be done before the flooding rain.
  5. Damn I miss the glory days. Growing up overseas I would get it a few weeks after they came out. For a lot of the 1980's that and a few day old Miami Heralds were the only way I could keep up with anything about US Sports. My brother while in college would send me his. Except for the swimsuit ones. Then one day he did. A few years worth. At the time he was a good big brother!
  6. Nah, I think he is here to go into politics. Federal level. Representative. He will have backing from both Houston and Austin elements, knows the players, and can play the "hard on crime, soft on society" model he tends to push.
  7. Yep, and the airline does the pre-flight inspection.
  8. Reports a 747 had an engine blow out over Miami. Was a cargo version, but bad news just keeps coming.
  9. Would have smacked the shit out of my kids if they had done that.
  10. It will not fall overnight, but love seeing the cracks. At least some have cojones. Jan 19 (Reuters) - Hundreds of supporters of a jailed rights activist staged a protest on Friday in the capital of Russia's Bashkortostan republic and police detained at least seven people, a Russian news outlet reported from the scene. The gathering in the city of Ufa took place in defiance of the region's leader, Radiy Khabirov, who has warned of tough action against what he called extremists and traitors. Russian-language outlet SOTA Vision published video showing police warning people through a loudhailer that they would be arrested if they took part in an unauthorised gathering. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-police-make-arrests-protest-moves-regional-capital-2024-01-19/
  11. Nah you grill them. Salt and pepper. Only eat the tail.
  12. Means it will be 16 and no one is prepared! is HEB open? I need toilet paper, about 200 rolls, and 15 cases of water for a few days.
  13. All her works were required reading in the household. Mom was a big fan. Check out March of Folly. Reminds me of our border policy over the years.
  14. Yep, this is my fear. I have a reoccurring dream where me and a few friends are guarding our town against Trumpkins. We are the county seat and they don't like the new judge/mayor etc. Trump loses, they get pissed and with quiet social media pushes decide to solve the situation. So in that case, what do citizens on the other side do? One person in this dream is a republican I know who voted Biden and lost a lot of friends. Dude is about as Texas as you can get. Hunter, family has been here from the start, including a lot of marriages with Latinos. He sees that as the thread of his soul. Being a Texan. We talked a few weeks ago. His take is if the Trumpkins come, he will fight back. Someone at the table said well they out gun us. He looked at me, them, and just smiled. "Nah. they just think the do." I laughed and took a sip of beer knowing what he has. Something that bothers the shit out of me. It only takes 3% of a population to conduct a guerilla war. We are a soft nation full of targets. And they represent what percent?
  15. Watch next for proxy attacks inside Afghanistan. Both Pakistan and Iran have active cells there. That happens and this escalates fast. And not only is India watching close, but ISIS could try and take advantage of a distracted region. Would not be surprised if a few mosques get hit on Friday prayers. While this goes as it is, both hammering the Balouchis no one really will give a shit. They are a hated minority in both countries. The Balouchis can hold there own as a guerilla force, but could not take on both nations at once. Map below is dated, but historically accurate.
  16. A great book. My mentor's father was a young LT in that campaign. Damn the stories.
  17. Posted an article about this earlier. Was hoping you and @956 Worldwide would chime in.
  18. I was going to let Jade know, but then she would send Chili.
  19. I think they shut them down. But the little fuckers spent 2+ days in ice. Not all made it, but am impressed.
  20. So reverse enema might work.
  21. I know everyone was concerned, so a fish update. Somehow three of the fuckers survived. A few days in ice and they came up looking for food. Now back to Briskets plumbing issues.
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