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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. Correct. I cannot reconcile how foolish it all is. But I am obviously a non religious person.
  2. Besides SA making a statement that blames Israel, has there been anything else from them? They obviously have supported Hamas before, but as it has been mentioned, they are at odds with Iran. A few years back I worked for a Saudi owned company and one reason I left is I didn’t like the idea of working for those fuckers (how women, Jews, etc are treated). And again, I find myself working with them (not for them) and I still don’t much like the idea.
  3. All in the name of the same God.
  4. From cnn re possible action along Israel’s northern border: “Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a brief statement Monday that its helicopters were striking in Lebanese territory after a "number of armed suspects" who "infiltrated" Israel from Lebanon were killed. Lebanon borders Israel to the north.”
  5. I would love to be an Arabic speaking fly on the wall hanging out in the client offices (perhaps a belligerent, and definitely supporters of Hamas). So who is running this simulation and why are they borrowing themes from the past simulations?
  6. Lulz https://reddit.com/r/CFB/s/zSEJN8s4ZM
  7. Well, he is the vice president of the business unit that is part of the Exxon/Pioneer deal. I think that is interesting and relevant. I doubt that has any effect on the deal, but interesting nonetheless. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/head-exxons-shale-oil-business-faces-sexual-assault-charge-texas-2023-10-08/
  8. Can’t upload pics while on company wifi I guess. But yes, I think Reese Bros is the best I have had in SA. And that isn’t knocking 2M, which is also fantastic. Unless something has changed in the last couple of months since I was last there, the line at Reese, at least on Fridays, is much more manageable than 2M.
  9. https://abc13.com/amp/david-scott-exxonmobil-sexual-assault-charge-man-charged/13879250/
  10. No. Ratsnake. Many snakes rattle their tails to try and deter being fucked with.
  11. Fuck it. I hope the beavers can win it all. Dissimilar: Texas Uber shitty play has me drinking.
  12. Texas moral victory: at least we aren’t as dumb as Miami.
  13. Ztejas, you are in danger of being as shitty as helobious or whatever the fuck that retard’s name is.
  14. I think Sark is a great coach and a great fit at Texas. However, if we drop another game, fuck Sark. I say that only because the rest of the big 12 is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. As in, total shit. If he wins out and gets to the conference title game, I’m cool, but if he drops one more game to a sub par team, fuck em. I hope he gets the cancer.
  15. Moral victory of the day: we aren’t Miami (or Aggy).
  16. Yessssssss!!!!!! And I am now an Arizona Wildcat.
  17. Love you dude. But man, has today been a beating.
  18. Look at me, I’m an Arizona fan!!!! Only because Texas shit the bed and I hate Riley and Williams. Just kill me.
  19. Way to go Wyoming. Now I will go slit my wrists. Fuck me.
  20. Watching all the craptacular football on display today makes me feel even worse about our loss.
  21. What the fuck are these miami uniforms?? Lulz, looks like a New Mexico license plate.
  22. So far any sooner acquaintances I have have known they are better off not reaching out to me. I am very standby right now. Honestly, this sucks way worse than losing to Kansas because we absolutely should have pushed their shit it. Fuuuuuuuuuiiijck
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