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Patricio Swayze

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Everything posted by Patricio Swayze

  1. I didn’t. But about to beg you now you fucking asshole.
  2. Normally, an Aggy loss takes a bit of the sting away from a Texas loss…but not so much this time. We fucked yo so bad that I can’t even enjoy Aggy tears. And I LOVE Aggy tears. Fuck my life.
  3. Godfuckingdamnitalltofuckinghellmotherfuckingshitfuck. I thought I would feel better after several hours, but I feel worse. Way to step on your own dicks guys. Fuck man. Just fuck.
  4. I guess that’s one option. I’m moving onto heroin.
  5. Sloppy game. We lost this game on our own. Turnovers, penalties and defense allowing chunk plays. Fuck everything. Better win out.
  6. We are the absolute worst at 3rd and long.
  7. Going to need to start a Ghost of PS account.
  8. Yeah, I’d say Great Basin.
  9. Definitely a gopher. Where are you?
  10. Sugar land I would say Rudy’s. Spring it’s Corkscrew.
  11. After that rain I figured I would hit snek road. Saw 4 species, but the ribbon got away before I could get shots. One of the larger ribbons I have seen. Maybe 3 feet. Saw two cotton mouths, one was dead.
  12. Y’all always find a way to fuck this thread up. Posting that dried out Lincoln garbage. Let’s turn this around. Brisket & Rice today. The brisket was exceptional.
  13. From Brisket & Rice in Houston… T E X A S!! Now let’s go fuck these sister fuckin, trailer loving land thieves up.
  14. Biden being a politician in my opinion.
  15. Guess I am watching Fox. Fuck that douchebag.
  16. Shut the fuck up. If this happens, I’m negging you to Bolivia. If it doesn’t happen, I’m still negging you to Bolivia.
  17. Sounds like some serious persecution. Y’all know that there are longhorns on texaggy and SECRant? I am sure they would welcome yall with open arms.
  18. Two mental clocks currently running in my head: Each minute until I can leave the office and go home because this job fucking sucks donkey dick. Each minute until Texas stomps a mud hole in those tweakers’ asses because they suck donkey dicks. The rest of my meager brain power is divided up amongst BBQ, porn and estimating how many Amazon packages will be at the front door when I get home each day.
  19. I prefer to ridicule than neg. But I will if it’s hate. And if a poster is known for hate (whether racism or homophobia, etc) and they make a cute comment that is just their toes on the line, neg. Body of work is considered. What about this comment? Curious to see where people stand. I am fucking excited for the game, so yes, I know the context.
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