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Everything posted by RedDirtTexan

  1. What a bad ass. Thank you for sharing. So sorry for your loss, but it sounds like his passing and his life was a blessing. Hook 'em!
  2. We are in West Texas. Son's on the autism spectrum. Fairly severe. We spend a lot of our time thinking about his future. When will we have to pull him out of school and home school him due to bullying? What will he do when he's older? How will he change when he goes through puberty? When am I going to be able to retire so that I leave him a nice nest egg for the rest of his life? Most importantly, what will happen to him when his mother and I are gone? Maybe his sister will be around to care for him, but maybe not. Then what? God bless all of you and your families dealing with these issues.
  3. Pete's hot little annoying girlfriend is a Longhorn in the real life.
  4. aggy engineering and construction at its finest
  5. It's either time or money. You can always make more money. Can't buy more time. I'm a lazy POS too.
  6. You are what your records says you are, Jeff Fucking Fisher. Worst in NFL history. Fuck you.
  7. I think you're missing one...
  8. Phil is going to eat the cyanide and that will somehow allow Elizabeth to escape back to Moscow. Paige dies or gets caught somehow. Who cares about the son. Elizabeth back in a fallen Soviet Union wondering WTF happened and was it all worth it? Arkady bangs her over his desk. END SCENE.
  9. Surly will last to infinity and beyond. Or three to five years. Either way.
  10. hope that whale got whitening toothpaste for Christmas
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