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Posts posted by CooterBrown

  1. 3 hours ago, Tuco said:

    The FBI would have had to been comically incompetent if they didn't circulate a picture of her after they had ID'd the Jennings and confirmed Paige was no longer in the apartment.  The assumption was that they were all traveling together.  That's why they didn't go anywhere in public together. 

    How long would it have taken back in the '80s to circulate a picture? The best case scenario is they faxed it to a field office. Agents would have to go to said office to get picture and then go back out in the field. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Austinvines said:


    I signed up with a week left
    to protest with protax and just got the results. Shaved 5% off.


    Just checked online and my protax account still just says "Filed".  Oh well, maybe sometime this month.



  3. 3 hours ago, travelingtexan said:

    Hol Chan. Maybe I am just not that into it, but a bunch of rocks underwater with small fish swimming around just doesnt get me going that much. I liked Bermuda a lot and Australia. Red sea, Philippines. I like big fish, sharks, whale sharks, etc.

    Must've just been the location we went to at Hol Chan. There were probably 5,000 fish within 200 feet of us including 30-50 nurse sharks, a dozen rays, barracuda, a couple of 100+ lbs turtles.  I just assumed it was all like that!


  4. 42 minutes ago, travelingtexan said:

    I thought the Caye's were way too touristy with tourist pricing. 

    Pro's: Really friendly people, even in Belize City,

    Con's: Way more expensive than it should be. Snorkeling and diving I found to be mediocre or at least over hyped. Too many "disneyworld" style tourists running around.

    1. Yep. It's insane how the Cayes, in particular Ambergris, have blown up over the past few years. We went two years ago and I've followed the local news and blogs since then and the development has been INSANE. 

    2. Absolutely true. 

    3. Did you go out to Hol Chan or Mexican Rocks? If that's mediocre, I need to know where to go.

  5. 1 hour ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Another new place that I just went to for the first time is Nola's on Cherry Street (15th and Peoria).  It's a New Orleans style restaurant. I really liked it.

    Is that new? I haven't been to Tulsa much in the past 6 months but I didn't notice it when I went to Kilkenny's around Christmas.  Lasalle's is my go-to work lunch when in Tulsa. That's a seriously good po' boy shop by some Katrina refugees.


  6. 13 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    The meaning behind his last name was just about the dumbest shit ever.  Like worse than anything in TLJ. 

    That was in some of books.  IIRC, in the Empire Strikes Back picture book, while Luke is flying to Dagoba, he is wondering about Han's back story and thinks that his last name is an alias to show he's a loner. 


  7. Paige is killed. Phillip turns and goes to federal PMITA prison. Henry is adopted by Stan and learns about his body from Matthew.  Elizabeth escapes to Russia and on arrival is promptly executed Nina style which is considered a proper "retirement package" for Soviet spies.


  8. Tell that to the ambulance chasers and lawyers who sue employers because they hired a dude who had a DUI when he was 20, but has been clean for 10 years,
    The reason a bunch of felons are not hireable is not because of some super selectivity by employers.  The fact is, the liability is too fucking high.

    It’s fine to disqualify a DUI conviction from a driving job but it disqualifies people from any job.

    For example, I have a contractor who is fantastic at the job, an entry level Python programmer. I offered her a full time position. The background check comes back that she has a DWI so she’s unhireable at my company. The position will never drive for the company but it didn’t matter to HR.

  9. Move back to Orlando and start buying up dumpy houses, knock them down, and rebuild with my own little architectural masterpieces.  I figure it would take 10-15 attempts before I hit my stride.  It would keep me busy. 
    Build a house big enough that I don't have to see my wife more than once or twice a day.  Send the kids to boarding school.  
    Start hitting the margaritas promptly at 5pm.  EST. 

    Orlando? No one in the history of forever has had that dream. Go hard you unique original bastard.
  10. Waaaay better than expectations. This movie gives you a good feeling of what they can do with non-canon stories in the SW universe. They easily set the stage for 3 other unrelated movies.

    Lots of subtle fan service. One that I didn’t catch at first was they “correct” what everyone thought was an error in that a parsec measures distance and not time. But since the key to Kessel run was finding a shorter path, it was about distance.

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