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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Cleveland was mediocre but we did try to start a “STEEEEAAAAAMMMMEEEERRR” response to good play but it didn’t catch on.
  2. I told my kid to do that at the L7 show but she chickened out and just muttered "ya'll are awesome."
  3. My kid turns 18 a week before election day. Yesterday she sent me a calendar appointment to register her to vote 60 days before her birthday.
  4. yesterday would've been the perfect day for her to post this...
  5. This was 100% fan service. Not a bad thing and probably what Marvel needed at this point. I guess if you want a sticking point, it’s not really clear why any of the events need to happen. I’m sure the writers had no idea either but it doesn’t really matter. Casandra Nova was great. I kinda wish she would’ve been a big bad in a more serious Marvel movie. I hope X23 is of age because she’s sexy AF. So many cameos but only one brought a round of applause. You’ll know it when you see it. It was completely unexpected.
  6. Someone told him he would grift more money losing than winning.
  7. I really feel like it's a changing of the guard. The boomers aren't even being thought about. Who gives a fuck what Manchin, Pelosi, Obama, etc thinks. We thought our generation was going to be passed over but nope. All of a sudden, the forgotten generation...Gen X arrives late to the party...like a fucking Mack truck. We bring our love of brutal honestly, distrust of authority, sarcasm, casual sex, binge drinking, and weed and give no fucks about appeasing the other side. Roll over boomers, a reckoning is here.
  8. I never noticed that Dark & Smoky BBQ Rub before. Just ordered it. It looks like it could be the perfect rub for fajitas.
  9. I think this is the best role for his future after an 8 year Harris administration. Being VP would waste his talents.
  10. Kelly, Shapiro, Buttigieg...all of a sudden that democratic bench is getting real fucking deep for the future.
  11. When he was first breaking through, Rolling Stone had an interview with him and it was at his parent's house. His dad greeted the writer at the door and said "Welcome to the 8,000 square foot lake front double wide Kid Rock grew up in."
  12. The tiny curated selection on Apple TV is so much better than the 50,000,000 shitty products on Netflix. Anytime I try to find anything to watch on Netflix, I just end up browsing for 15 minutes and give up.
  13. Local PDs will get right on that.
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/Satisfyingasfuck/s/tr4vJK7b3b
  15. What’s frustrating about this show is that if you were handed a preproduction story outline, you’d be like “fuck yeah, let’s do this.” The writing, acting, directing, and execution were complete shit for a pretty decent idea.
  16. Tons of chains on South Harbor within a half mile or so. I am a man of simple tastes. My two favorite after the park places are Sabrosada for carne asada fries and Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles.
  17. If you’re gonna pull a gun when road ragin’ be prepared to find out. NSFW or life https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckaroundandfindout/s/xfFEVxMBjU
  18. They did a piss poor job of attempting to show they were the same person by having them do the exact same move in unison. They were so bad at it, that it was just slow and clumsy. Maybe they filmed a walk through rehearsal and said that was good enough for this turd.
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