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Posts posted by CooterBrown

  1. 15 hours ago, Druggist said:

    Veracruz should be on the overrated list. Been there a few times and it was fine, nothing more.  Beef fajitas ranchero on Wednesday at Habaneros’s should be top 10. One of the best $8-9 plates of food in the city.

    Also, the Roberto's breakfast plate at Habaneros...beef fajitas, beans, eggs. Goddamnright.

  2. La Fitness says "hold my beer."

    Two black men were wrongly accused of not paying to use a gym in New Jersey, and the police were subsequently called on them, days after a similar incident at a Philadelphia Starbucks catapulted the problem of racial profiling in commercial spaces into the national spotlight.

    The men were working out at an LA Fitness in Secaucus, N.J., on the evening of April 15, according to a Facebook post by one of the men, Tshyrad Oates, as well as the Secaucus Police Department. In the Facebook post — which garnered 29,000 reactions and more than 61,000 shares since Monday — Oates wrote that he signed in to work out with his four-day guest pass to meet a friend who was a current member of the gym.

    Oates wrote that a half-hour later, he was approached by the same female employee who signed him in and told him he had to leave or pay. After Oates told the employee that she had just checked him in under a guest pass, the employee said it was Oates’s friend who had not paid. The employee did not know that the gym’s manager had already scanned the friend’s membership pass.

    “He felt racially profiled and embarrassed by the harassment of this LA Fitness employee in front of other members at the gym,” Oates wrote.


    As a member of LA Fitness, I find it difficult to believe an employee got off their ass to confront a customer. When a dude had a heart attack playing racquetball a few months ago, they wouldn’t leave the desk, fearful they’d have to do something. Luckily a nurse was there and saved that guy. Oh yeah, he was black.
  3. The best "hair metal" album. Honestly, other than their look, shit's way heavier than hair metal. There was a youtube comment that was something like "This is whisky drinking, cocaine snorting, pussy getting music." Yep, that about sums it up.



  4. Just had a Strange Land IPA. Pretty decent, especially for Strange Land.

    Had a Wooderson IPA from Hi Sign at Mohawk the other night.  It was great. Hi Sign continues to deliver stellar beers.

  5. FAA just issued a statement that CFM engines surpassing a set number of takeoffs and landing will undergo inspections for metal fatigue in the fan blades. 

    Wonder if the inspections started last night. At Love last night, they took several planes in for unscheduled maintenance and delayed flights. They made a big deal about it when they announced it.
  6. A slice of Conan's Savage has to be on the list.

    Angie's carnitas taco deserves to be on the list.

    For new school, I'd probably add Ramen Tatsuya's Tonkotsu ramen even though several on the menu are better.

    I have a soft spot in my heart gut for Delaware's Friday special Italian sausage sandwich.

    Top Notch fried chicken.

    Thanks.   I stopped by HEB Far West at lunch and they had them so I got two six packs.  They wouldn't scan at the register and the clerk asked me if I knew how much they were.  I told him "I think they're $12.49 each". He kind of hesitated and said "you sure? that seems high".  He offered to have somebody go check but I stood firm.  csb
    They also had the Brazos Valley Pilsner on sale for $7.77.  

    I haven’t had one yet. I won’t be home until Friday and I can’t wait.
  8. In OKC today and had dinner at The Press. Highly recommend it. I had the Indian Taco and my coworker had the cornflake fried chicken sandwich dipped in a honey buffalo sauce. Everything on the menu looked great.

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