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Posts posted by CooterBrown

  1. Did 2 boneless legs on the BGE. Cut them each into 3 pieces along the natural separation spots. Smoked for 30 minutes at 250-300 and then seared until 120.


    They marinated overnight in lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary, oregano, parsley mixture.


    Totally forgot to take a money shot afterwards.





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  2. I created a homescreen hyperlink on my iphone directly to Surly so it appears as an app.  The format is superior to Tapa. Try it out.  Open surly in Safari. Click on that box with the up arrow at the bottom, scroll to the right and select "Add to Home Screen".  

  3. It's not my place to judge what they are passionate about but to give them the tools to decide the right way to demonstrate that passion. Sometimes it may be walking out, sometimes it may be staying put.  As long as they are standing up for what they personally believe and not just for appearances to peers/parents/etc, I would be okay with it.



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  4. 8 hours ago, APMP said:

    Just got back from the Drafthouse Village. DeLorean with Ghostbusters decal was parked out front. I presume Mr. Cline was in the building for a private screening (pretty sure he wasn't in the theater I was in).

    I was there seeing Black Panther. Took a pic of the DeLorean and didn't make the connection of it being there for RPO.

  5. Has anybody done the Whitefish Bike Park in Montana?  I've never done downhill before and will be headed to Glacier in August and am thinking of giving it a go. I'm looking for intermediate trail at the most since I'll have my 11 year old in tow.  Looking at the trails, it's difficult to get a feel for it.  From the maps, it looks like a lot of the easy and intermediate trails feed directly into the technical trails which seems like a bizarre design. If anyone has experience there, please share.

  6. I like how no media questions this high tech weather balloon technology that can fly horizontally and vertically at hundreds of miles an hour and then vanish from sight.



  7. 23 hours ago, Smax said:

    Modern Times Orderville hazy mosaic IPA




    Pretty good take on a NE hazy

    Did you get that in Austin? Had MT in San Diego last year and everything I tried was great. 

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