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Everything posted by Bogeywon

  1. Bogeywon

    Mad Men

    It would be awesome if she started as a copy writer working for Peggys firm. Sally could grow into being like don in pitches over the seasons.
  2. 2003 cobra. I was selling cars at the time and we had a convertible and a hard top. I sold the convertible to a 18 year old kid that showed me his bank accounts and I made him cancel a gym membership to show him he could afford it. Thing was probably repo’d 3 months later (don’t care got paid).
  3. Goals should be: 1. beat OSU 2. BEAT OSU 3. PROFIT???? fuck this guy, I bleed maize and blue. I have 15 signed helmets in the basements. I’ve been going to games since like 3rd grade (I’m 38 now) and this is a fucking shit show.
  4. The film franchise is one of my favorites. I even found I loved the crystal skull garbage movie. I know this won’t touch on those and it’s a stand alone story but I have a full on boner for this game
  5. Yup the pretty white one. I’m going to when I have the cash. I just bought my wife her first Louis purse for Xmas and went over the budget which cut into my amp budget (like all of it) (humble brag cause she deserves one and never asks for anything). I played one In a studio a while back like 10-12 years ago I’m pretty sure it was a ac30 but it was great
  6. Ac30 2x12 hand wired one 1750 Sweetwater guy said. Difference being it’s obviously hand wired and made in the USA not China and better parts. I want one
  7. Great movie!! Love how it explained “being in the zone”. As a musician I’ve been there
  8. I struggle as well. I think about what life would be like for others if I wasn’t here. But people need me here I need to be here and so do you.
  9. Have a appointment 1/21. Have had all the tests though and everything comes back fine
  10. I swear to god I didn’t know
  11. No I just wake up out of a dead sleep and it’s in over drive. No bad dreams no bad no bad vibes.
  12. Good news went to the orthopedic doctor and they said that they didn’t see a fracture or break so I’m good!!
  13. All good no one hurts sorry can’t Type with us cast on
  14. That’s happened this morning after I did fractured my arm some idiot went through a green making a right turn too wide and front end and me had I had collisionI am in the black car
  15. Fuck man! That stinks. As far as my injury is concerned I didn’t fracture my wrist like I thought I actually fractured my arm so I have to get a cast tomorrow for 4 to 6 weeks. Also it’s my right arm so you know what that means how do I wipe my own ass.
  16. When I get anxiety attacks it feels like there’s so much adrenaline running in my body. Does anyone else throw up when it gets to intense? This happens to me in the morning. Wake up with a attack get my daughter ready for school shower then when I get to putting on my shoes and tying them I get overwhelmed with nausea and I dry Heave
  17. 100% scalper bought but glad I got one. Didn’t want to wait or play games trying to get one online on drops.
  18. Thanks dude! Yeah man I’m not dying for one to be honest. I just want a real hummingbird 6 string so every time I see those I’m like hmmmm... also every epiphone acoustic I ever picked up was hot garbage
  19. Welp bad news I may have fractured my right wrist this morning carrying my daughter down the stairs. She’s 5 and I slipped carrying her down this morning for breakfast at like 6am. She was half asleep and I couldn’t see shit. I started falling forward but was like fuck that don’t want her to get hurt so I took the fall. She’s fine I’m not. Hope it’s a quick cast in and out with no therapy and shit Man. 4 days into 2021! Lol all good tho
  20. This was the first distortion pedal I ever owned. Or pedal for that matter. I had a shit off market electric guitar pack I got for Christmas 7th grade. Parents probably got it from fuck Walmart or some shit. The guitar was a EPI and the head stock looked like a upside down banana. Anyway got that bad boy cause my best friend had one and I didn’t know shit about flowers. But yes it’s metal af! Love that shit. I gonna get a second pedal board and build it with pedals of my youth (metal zone, grunge pedal, big muff ect)
  21. My wolverines are gonna look real good when hardnuts strings them out and he doesn’t get a sniff from the NFL cause he sucks and then they re-up him. Kill me
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