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Everything posted by Bogeywon

  1. I’m gonna call my Sweetwater guy and see what he can build me, not looking to spend a ton yet want to see if I use it enough. Is like 600-700 not enough to build a system?
  2. Fuck yes!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to join a league with all my friends and then have them not talk for periods of time because I put recruit them and beat them in the game lmao
  3. Is that pic you?? If so AMERICA FUCK YEAH!
  4. Yup if they hook up together with RCA is fine but id definitely like Bluetooth capability so I can play my phone through the receiver if I’m lazy. How much should I budget?
  5. That Chad fuck in your avatar would fuck with that....
  6. Ok... so I want a to build a stereo for the basement. Turn table tape decks and cd changer speaker all of it. Don’t want to break the bank but honestly not even sure where to start. Is everything Bluetooth now? Also can I play my phone through the receiver? Been buying old tapes off eBay and have a ton of my parents old records. What do I need to get?
  7. How do you like that amp. No music stores carry PRS amps and I’ve never got to play one
  8. How do you like that amp. No music stores carry PRS amps and I’ve never got to play one
  9. How bout when Carmela was watching him finally step up when tony was in the hospital after getting shot by uncle June. All you saw from her perspective was AJ talking to his dad like ok he’s finally getting it. Then they go into the room and he’s blowing his dads ear off about a BMW LMAO!!! Still say best scene with him in it is when tony drags him out of bed into the closet
  10. This is the tv my gamer buddy has. Says he loves it. I need at least a 70 so since they don’t make one in that size should I wait to get it when it does?
  11. OMG OMG OMG I’m a Noel super fan. He’s one of my favorite song writers! This is awesome
  12. Fucking was gonna hook up my series x but my stupid fucking tv isn’t 4K and from what my gamer buddy says it’s pointless cause I won’t see a difference in much. Now I need a tv
  13. The riff reminds me of some Royal Blood stuff which is good because Royal Blood is the tits
  14. Gotta do it some time. I think he’s really funny and he will be fine
  15. That’s it! Loved that movie! Ed’s dad was great in that
  16. Brothers McMullen? Or the 2nd one they came out with where the dad from Fraser was in it? Can’t think of the name but that was a really good movie
  17. Bogeywon


    That’s what I’m saying about consistency. Even their newer album have badass riffs on them also the drums are legit
  18. Agreed! We should get to get together and touch head stocks or something
  19. 2019 standard. My Christmas present to myself
  20. Bogeywon


    I really like ohms. Opening track is my favorite. After covid I’m going to like ninehundredtrillionbillion concerts the year it’s safe
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