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Jim Tom Pinch

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Everything posted by Jim Tom Pinch

  1. Did she turn herself in there or did the Rangers book her there to eliminate the home field advantage?
  2. Do you mean refugees or illegal aliens?
  3. I’m amazed it didn’t end with him explaining how he disposed of the body.
  4. Jim Tom Pinch

    Great Quotes

    Don’t fuck with the recipe.
  5. Their QB last season was an American from Houston Baptist.
  6. So you were in middle school when you got caught...
  7. Bums will still be shitting on the sidewalk if this passes so I’m not sure what it fixes.
  8. Uh, if MSU and OSU are both on the road, the schedule is not favorable. They’ll top out at 10-2 if they’re lucky. 9-3 is probably more realistic. Nothing wrong with that but they’ll be third again.
  9. Or maybe just end race classification altogether... Nah, that’d make too much sense.
  10. Just want to give props for the thread title.
  11. Try entering any other country in the world without documentation and see how much freedom you’re granted. Fucking idiot.
  12. A better question would be, why are we even wasting our resources on illegal aliens with no passport or visa? Send them back.
  13. You’re also not very bright if you think taking an illegal’s word for anything is a good idea or sound policy. Children are being moved across the border by coyotes but we should just trust that everyone is telling the truth. What a fucking genius you are.
  14. That doesn’t answer my question at all. But then you’re an intellectual coward so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
  15. So you’re ok with leaving “brown” toddlers with adults that may not be their parents until that fact is determined?
  16. You mean besides the fact there is no ethical issue?
  17. An Obama administration official lecturing anyone on ethics is pretty fucking rich.
  18. Ho-Lee Shit. And md is right. There are way more people like this in the real world than we realize. Every office of significant size has one.
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