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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Damn. And the fact that the police precinct looks like a robocop set piece adds to the feel. This is kind of awesome. There should be no charges filed if they return it intact.
  2. Hmm. So he is calling for tyranny. You think all those 2A protesters are going to show up and fight with their fellow citizens against tyranny if Trump actually does that?
  3. That's like a regular Thursday afternoon in Ohio though. How can you tell if its related?
  4. I'm no fan of hers, but Dems need to quit with the resigning over old or minor shit. The GOP doesn't give a fuck, and won't resign unless there is a felony indictment and even then, its 50/50. Dems can't keep tying their own hands. If its bad, and even if you feel bad about it, wait for the next primary and then drop out of the primary race in disgrace if that's what you want to do. Appointments are a shitshow.
  5. The post WW2 and Cold War period is our defining moment. When the history of the Earth is written, if we only get one paragraph, it will be about that moment. Hard to think of it as the beginning of the end. Perhaps we have always been destined for failure. We have always redlined everything. Manifest Destiny, Military Industrial Complex, whatever the fuck this is now. Take your pick. Eventually, the engine gives out. The main problem with America, and really the reason all the knee jerk Trumpist patriots exist, is that the term "American" is largely undefined. Germany, Russia, France, England, China, Japan, etc, have all had multiple types of government, revolutions, and wars. Yet all of those "identities" still exist. Latin American countries have had multiple types of government, but still exist. Cubans remain Cuban under Castro-ism. Even English speaking Canada would still be Canada under any type of government. But America is over with if our government is over with. Sadly, that is also the fault of the knee-jerk patriots who pretended they wanted us to be a group of loosely affiliated independent states that only get together to fund a military and print money.
  6. Jared must be in the doghouse. As the smartest guy that actively sucks Trump dick, and the only guy that Trump fantasizes about being, he usually gets these science fair assignments.
  7. As bad as Hannity is, Rush is much worse.
  8. I hate the wireless because I always forget to charge them. If they made them so they could charge directly from the phone, I would jump back in.
  9. Yep, but Trump was right on that. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
  10. All their preparations for post-society life were for naught. The machine guns, the Jim Baker slop buckets, the makeshift bunkers. None of those prepared them for the apocalypse. It turns out that they couldn't even go without a haircut for a month before they begged for society to come back. Maybe Jim Baker should start selling Flowbees.
  11. What does the umbrella do from a cop or right wing antagonist perspective? Is it a disguised tear gas launcher like from James Bond?
  12. Only 27% of officers ever fire their weapon on duty. This guy shot 3 people on duty, choked another to death, and killed 3 more while driving.
  13. They should have raked the city.
  14. There will be no leadership like a sheriff involved. Leaders in Trumpism are similar to radical imams. They don't put themselves on the line. They incite others to act alone or in small groups. There will likely be a huge uptick in lone wolf incel terror attacks, and no doubt that many Americans will be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but there will be no insurrection. While Trumptards may make up 35%, you have to remember that most of them are just whiny self proclaimed victims. There are some who are dangerous, but they are a minority. How many of those fat gun toters at the Michigan statehouse do you believe actually have the balls to use the weapon they carry? Those crowds are actually beneficial to us all since it gives guys like that friends that they wouldn't ordinarily have and limits their likelihood to shoot up a mall as a depressed solo shooter.
  15. As if Hannity gives a shit about anyone he knows. The guy would sell his grandma for a few bucks. Missouri is a red state with a tendency to turn purple. He wants those olds to vote Trump in November. He doesn't give a shit about NY voters or NY olds even though he is from there.
  16. He commits defamation almost daily on Twitter. While I wish someone would test the waters on absolute immunity when it comes to Presidential libel by tweet, it isn't likely to happen. Post presidency, the lawsuits will flow like water though. There is no way he will be able to keep his trap shut, and he is going to get zero free passes. He may get bled dry on that alone.
  17. So does that count as a covid death or a MS13 death? Both? Republicans struggle to understand "but for" causation when it comes to contagions. They get 9/11 because it was an openly violent act. So are car accidents so they get that too. They also get that firing a gun at someone is a potentially deadly act. They don't get that coughing on someone can also be a potentially deadly act. Remember, this is a "war against an invisible enemy." Trump says that line so much because he still doesn't understand it. Most have also gone so far down the "individual liberty" rabbit hole that they can only think in selfish terms. They can't even grasp that others may have "individual liberties" that their selfish actions may infringe upon. For this reason, many, if not most, still believe that masks protect the wearer rather than others. "I don't wear a mask because I'm not worried about being sick." They still fail to realize that those around them who are wearing masks are being considerate while they are being complete dickheads. Even when making driving regulation comparisons, I have seen smart libertarians continue to compare mask wearing to seatbelt laws. It is actually more comparable to DUI laws. I also haven't seen anyone actually want to repeal DUI laws, traffic signals, or any other regulation designed to protect others from potentially deadly drivers. Yet the fuckers still can't apply that logic to wearing a mask around strangers. If everyone had been wearing a mask since March, hardly anyone would have gotten coronavirus, and we would already be fully open again while still wearing masks until there is a vaccine.
  18. No, the first tweet is nationwide. All the other tweets are single states.
  19. True, but trying to train Okies to build modern tech is a fool's errand.
  20. Dan Patrick was serious about sacrificing grandmas. He is just trying to get that out of the way in one shot.
  21. I like the brunette to the left of the blonde best, but to each his own. Also, I think she and the blonde are sisters. They look just alike other than the peroxide.
  22. We are a failed society. True. But we have always been a failed society. We only had a brief respite because we killed 85 million of each other in a short time frame 80 years ago. That resulted in some soul searching and better governance for a while for a variety of reasons. The selfishness of baby boomers, who grew up with almost no adversity, is just a return to form. But Europe also rebuilt a more equal society for a reason, and had an easier road to do so. Which sex dies more in a war? We never fully learned the lesson. America may be the best country ever when we recognize our own flaws and mistakes and learn from them. When we think we are flawless, we may well be the most terrible. Right now, we are in full on blind patriotism. The same type of blind patriotism that completed a genocide and also kept slavery around well past its expiration date.
  23. Lol. There is almost zero chance that you aren't fatter than me. Not that I am some workout king either. I just don't have the ability to get fat. Also, that isn't always a good thing.
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