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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. If they fail to comply with this order, do they have to attend seminary? Or madrasa, perhaps?
  2. This guy is terminally unable to have a good time. Pathetic.
  3. "This is not a place I'd want to spend years of my life" is Alabama talk for "You're my sibling/cousin and still, I'm just not that into you."
  4. "Whoa...we gotta get rid of the sun." - Joe Rogan, probably.
  5. Now imagine you just paid $100 mil plus to hang out with him for a decade.
  6. Wasn’t Joe Louis something like 137 years old at that point?
  7. New state motto? Perhaps, “The Sound of Children Screaming Has Been Removed.”
  8. Didn’t the voters of this great state do it to themselves? They passed the constitutional amendment that allowed the Legislature to pass the law in the first place. I don’t have the numbers, but I’ll bet you it was lawyers who spent an awful lot of money lobbying against it.
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