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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. He’s got to swing at everything and everyone tomorrow if he’s to have a chance. If he gets hammered again he’s out. I expect Bernie and Liz to tag team him and Pete to finish him off
  2. The probability of this being an engineered virus is greater than zero. And if it comes out that it was engineered in the L4 lab and we are on the cusp/in a global recession by election day, then the message Trump will be able to deliver is "I'm right on China and stick with me. They caused the global slowdown".
  3. Bernsplaining. When you don’t have the same viewpoint as a Bro and they mock your intelligence and take note of who you intend to vote for. Btw, Will the Bros be handing out pieces of flare for non bros in January of 2021?
  4. You didn’t answer it the ‘right’ way HG. You’re going on BT and Washparks list. To the gulags!
  5. Welp, that was basically a NowThis link visualization.
  6. Big oppose guy Given how much time you're in here responding I assume you're in this thread to learn and possibly support Mike so here you go. He doesn't need your money though
  7. I'm sure this has been discussed but I missed it. What happens to the delegates pledged to nominees that drop out? Does the nominee get to 'pledge' those delegates to a still viable candidate? Or does it all happen at the Convention?
  8. Yes. Flows to Treasuries and the Yen have increased recently. Mr. Market is getting antsy. Will try to find something to share
  9. This is fucking unbelievable. The Bros are coming. You'll be on their list too BT, no matter how many posts you put up. You rich=you fucked up.
  10. yeah, some of the shit that has come out of his mouth on these videos is crazy.
  11. IMO, everything is a pendulum. Part of my reasoning for supporting Bloomberg is to limit the swing in the opposite direction post Trump. If he has 4 more years I'm concerned of someone Bernie-like but younger and more appealing that could be effective. I also believe the nomination is going to come down to Bloomberg vs. Bernie. Sensible gun reform Women's rights Supreme Court picks Tax policy General US Standing across the globe Decisions based on data vs. using nothing No more Stephen Miller No twitter rants Unnecessary to profit further by position
  12. The difference, as others pointed out, was Yang was actually promising money to literally everyone (someone pointed out it was a straight bribe) where as Bloomberg is giving money to influences in return for support. One was buying votes while the other is buying influence. And yes, Yang was as pure as you can be in running for President plus I think he happens to be right and I was supportive. But the arguments you made after that are part of the reason I like Bloomberg. He wouldn't owe anything to anyone and he's not 'buying' the nomination. F250 was right about Yang's data tax. 'twas a good idea
  13. I’m sure you were just as appalled by Yang?
  14. “Marginally better than Trump”? Am I taking crazy pills?
  15. YoU'rE nOt A DeMoCrAt GHOST!~!!!! YoU HaVe No SAy!11!!!
  16. He looks like a bad guy from an Austin powers movie. Took ridiculous looking to get the Bond comparison
  17. The only people pushing out these comments more than the Bros are the hardcore Trumpkins.
  18. Why do you keep trying to slightly reframe things I write into questions you wish me to answer? I didn't compare their execution. What I wrote was that I believe Bernie will be ineffective in getting his policies through Congress.
  19. I prefer him to any of the alternatives. 2nd choice would be Bernie. And the reasoning, since I just made your head explode with contradictory implicated information, has more to do with how I rationalize what I expect to be Bernie's ineffectiveness at getting any of his policies through Congress.
  20. My response and commentary was about the attack level increasing and from where, nothing about the policy.
  21. For free seems a weird qualification. If I was being paid to post 2 or 3 times a day would that make it less distressing? Are you being paid to spam this board with all your feel the Bern talking points? I'm commenting on a Texas football message board about him. Bloomberg ain't winning Texas even if he gets through the Bros and the majority of our posters reside in Texas. There isn't any interference to run. You, however, pulled in that video from a twitter account of a national Bernie supporter. Clearly Bloomberg is scaring someone, and it isn't black people.
  22. Hope Bloomberg was prepared to counter "Mike is a RACIST" from his opponents. The Bros take no prisoners and they will burn the DNC and the election to the ground if it's not their guy. To quote our most prominent Bro, BT, "This is the war".
  23. I'll answer your question differently than how you want me to answer. All of his negatives about racism/sexism/misogyny are neutral to slightly positive when compared to the current occupant of the Whitehouse.
  24. Focus your rage at Pete. You'll have plenty of time after Super Tuesday to focus the Bros on their true threat.
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