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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. This is strange. Im usually accused of being a homer. I want this teal to advance. Giving TB life at all in the 4th quarter was disappointing. I said as much. How can y’all “just be happy with a win”? jesu Christ y’all can’t have it both ways. Don’t come in here bitching when they’re struggling next week.
  2. No I fucking won’t. You won’t be happy they “won a playoff game” next week when they’re being beat down. I want them to play well. No one liked the way things felt after last week. I didn’t want to end this game on a downer. it’s not that hard to understand.
  3. This is exactly what I was talking about. way to lose a lot of the good feeling you had. wish they hadn't just run some give up plays on the last drive now.
  4. Also true. I see the starters out there giving up yards. They have stiffened in tbe red zone though.
  5. Yeah yeah. Sorry I want them to look good against a very bad opponent. defense still scary.
  6. The 49rs are going to run these weak ass dump offs and kill our defense.
  7. I know this is going to sound dumb. But this is still making me mad. This should be a complete and utter domination. The first 2 Dallas drives were bad. And the defense is going to give up probably 18-20 points and make it look closer. I want to leave no doubts.
  8. I know the smart thing is to kick it. But not tonight. Your guy sucks. and it was the right call. Dak put on a master class against Brady’s Bucs.
  9. BTW the PASS is opening up the run. that’s how Dallas wins. Not running it against a brick wall all game then trying to pass.
  10. Don’t just run. Still gotta be a but aggressive. Smart play calls. running one 1st and 2nd down isn’t smart. Now they tee off on the QB
  11. Okay? I literally gave you 2 examples from THIS weekend that it’s not just Dallas. however I think it would be typical Dallas to do that.
  12. Or the nfl this weekend. We saw a 17-0 half time lead evaporate for the Bills(who everyone thinks is better) and a team with 27-0 lead lose. it’s not just a Dallas thing.
  13. Yep. They fucked up. Couldn’t finish them off when they were buried deep and now it’s a game. Dallas will either play it conservative. Or press too much and make a mistake. this is exactly where Brady shines. hope I’m wrong and the offense goes right down and scores again.
  14. Yup. This is the rest of the game. Bunch of quick passes or misdirection/delayed passes. Set up a double move. Ball comes out too quick to bother Brady. Giving up the 3rd and 7 from their own goal line gave them life.
  15. This is where Brady will just drive up and down the field with dump offs and slants.
  16. Oh I think so too. They get a chance to do it again next week if they hold one.
  17. Chance to come full circle. Dak will have a chance to be the first to win a road game since the triplets first SB. and a chance to repeat against the big bad 49rs.
  18. This is very smart play calling. Not doing what you expect on 3rd and short.
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