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Everything posted by seven

  1. 28 characters over one, I think some trimming could make it viable
  2. Someone needs to unskew this poll
  3. Kind of sounds like trump and putin were connected by a computer error, but now they are happy together.
  4. They are johnny trustfund if he wasn't born into money
  5. Swamism is a mental disease
  6. You are correct that another device is needed to collect any data. Nfc (near field communications) chips like these only have a range of a few inches as far as I know though. It's a very clickbaity headline
  7. Nfc chips have no power source, they can't collect data.
  8. What's the point of having ubi if you still have welfare services under it? A poor planning mom can fail to use food stamps to feed her kids just as easily as spending all the ubi.
  9. BT, maybe you could respond to why food stamps are needed if ubi covers food, instead of this "he wants kids to die!" bullshit that's making you look foolish. Just a suggestion.
  10. Amazon Post is better, he needs to clean it up
  11. They are very lucky to have such diversity
  12. I don't think there is any way trump views the midterms as anything related to him since he's not on the ballot.
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