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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Bullneck


    500mg? I bite a 25 in half and I'm good.
  2. I've heard he was told by Trump to hold those open so he can appoint some lapdogs once he will the presidency.
  3. Hey! Jackass!! No one cares about all that bullshit. If those are really issues just elect us and we might figure it out. Or we might not. We prefer to focus on: 1. Anything not Trump (at least during the debates), 2. Hunter Biden 3. Trans athletes 4. Windmill cancer research 5. Our new free gun giveaway program. 6. Lowering the working age to a range of 6 to 12 years old, using our new skin color/work hazards X, Y chart.
  4. Newsnation? Do I even want to know what that is? Is that the new Rick Santorum broadcast or something?
  5. Counterpoint: Rig 12 officiating. Any particular reason this was filed in Lubbock?
  6. And now, a message from Rip van Bullneck: Just saw her questioning the presidents of Harvard, MIT, & UPenn about anti-semitism on their campus. I didn't catch the whole thing, and I know she's one of those "sound bite legislators" but I agreed with her.
  7. I have him on ignore. So when you guys quote him I end up reading the post, like it or not. And they are so douchey: "All propaganda is solely for the purpose of convince people of something. It's a story as old as time." He's like an ABD philosophy grad student that'll never see that Phd.
  8. THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. We thought, for three days, this is what was going to happen. It was actually — look, nobody was even hurt. Our K-9, as they call — I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog — was injured and brought back. But we had no soldier injured. And they did a lot of shooting, and they did a lot of blasting, even not going through the front door. You know, you would think you go through the door. If you’re a normal person, you say, “Knock, knock. May I come in?” The fact is that they blasted their way into the house and a very heavy wall, and it took them literally seconds. By the time those things went off, they had a beautiful, big hole, and they ran in and they got everybody by surprise.
  9. The cops put handcuffs on her, then took them off, then she ran into the school, grabbed her kids, and got out.
  10. CBS, ABC, and NBC should run this on a loop along with Trumps "punishment for the woman" sound bite starting two weeks before the election.
  11. Bullneck

    2023 Heisman

    Damn, you are one intelligent poster!
  12. Well, here's something interesting. Chris Zeigler and his wife* had a three way with this woman. Then one day he decided to show up at her place by himself. Not welcomed, but who cares? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c1crpo54brkm8x90emjt3/911-Audio.mp4?rlkey=t69p3su1nrec20ptb43ex93tx&dl=0 * Mrs Z. is the - wait for it - co-founder of Florida Moms for Liberty.
  13. I've never mentioned this before, but I am the head of Hamas. Earlier this year I was thinking about rewriting our constitution and taking out that whole "Israel shouldn't exist" thingy. I also thought about reaching to the world and letting them know we've changed our ways. No more rocket firing or tunnels and all that. All we are saying is give peace a chance. How bad can the Israelis be, if you're earnest? I was ready to try. I was thinking about doing things that helped my people as a whole, so no more skimming money and hiding it in Qatar. Maybe even have a real election and do some of that democracy stuff. Then I woke up on the day of the OU game and said, fuck it. "Let's get out there and kills some people!" just like that Jack Palance movie ('member that one?). Things were great for about a day or so afterward. Was I wrong?
  14. Damn, aggy gets Okie State in their bowl. It's like a nightmare they can't wake up from.
  15. So, fire people, Indict people, deportation/kids in cages/gulags, and pardons for all J6 rioters. That's four by my count. I probably don't even want to know what they other one is. It appears that Mike Davis is 1) an Iowa Hawkeye and 2) has never had a job outside of government/lobbying. He's following the Rick Perry model. Speaking of whom, when does he get deposed?
  16. Probably the best post I've read in this thread in a long time, maybe ever.
  17. DAMN. Is Bryant Westbrook still playing?
  18. Bullneck

    2023 Heisman

    Is there a better kicker than Bert this year? Is there a better D-Lineman than Sweat this year (other than Murphy, maybe)?
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