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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. But remember, in his book ol' Ron "identifies" as a citizen of Ohio or Pennsylvania...known meccas of authentic western bootwear.
  2. Oh hell, it just occurred to me what type of memorial shrine he's going to have built at his gravesite. It will be the biggest, gaudiest, loudest, most obnoxious tomb ever. He's going to want it to be a combination of Elvis' Graceland, JFK's eternal flame, and the pyramids of Egypt but less, ahem...ethnic. Plus he'll charge $50 a head for the MAGATs to come and weep over it.
  3. On the bright side, Gil doesn't have to worry about that awkward moment when the 37 year old tries to call him "dad" at a family gathering.
  4. S-video laughs at your pain. Tiny, thin pins offset in a barely perceptible v-pattern inside a circular collar. So you could blindly spin the thing around until you think you got it to seat wherein you applied the tiniest bit of pressure and invariably bent the fucking pins all to shit. My nerd is showing, but putting size aside the best connector ever was the BNC. You could seat/unseat that baby blindfolded, and when it was locked in place you knew there was no way it was accidentally coming loose.
  5. Exact same thing here in Cedar Park. My Do Not Disturb setting saved me from the one just before midnight (other than the screen lighting up), and I was downstairs having coffee when the 6:30 blast came out. I'm surprised they didn't fire up the new tornado sirens in CP to make sure no one missed the alert.
  6. Cross-posting from the Rudy thread because it's soooooo delicious. Everything dotard touches turns to shit. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/15/politics/giuliani-money-lawsuits-trump/index.html
  7. Rudy's gone broke defending Trump Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit
  8. Plus T. Boone Pickens, Bob Perry and Harold Simmons funded the Swift Boat Veterans bullshit to attack Kerry's military service in Vietnam. That's when I knew that the GOP wasn't above attacking one of the sacred pillars of the party's identity--supporting the military--in favor of power.
  9. From a rub 'n tug window in CP (no longer there). I snapped this about 5 or 6 years ago on my way to get a pint at the corner bar. I think it took a couple months before they caught their mistake. Or was it intentional?
  10. It's the NFL adopting the corporate world's "fail fast" strategy. Except unlike the corporate world where it may take years or even decades to perfect a technology or process before it's capable of going to market, in the NFL there's always another crop of draft picks each spring to sift through.
  11. Trump winning in 2024 = Secretary of State MTG. He'd use a 2nd term to go scorched earth on all of his political enemies, foreign and domestic. And what better way to give a big middle finger to NATO than to send the three-toed spawn of Satan + a garden gnome on international junkets where she can stick her finger up her ass and fling shit all over our European allies?
  12. I'm mildly amazed that Sargeant Sam Cox hasn't found a way to join the grift and get a speaking slot at these rallies. Is it possible he's TOO racist for MAGA? Or is his unforgivable sin just being old?
  13. I hear ya both. That was around '90 or so when Stewart had a late career revival covering great songwriters before he decided to try and be a schmaltzy crooner. Downtown Train (Waits), Broken Arrow (Robertson), Have I Told You (Morrison). I remember the creepy video for BA with cherubs on swings and shit.
  14. Norah's an excellent suggestion and now that you've planted the seed I can't think of anyone who would be a better fit either vocally or musically than her. That being said, I'd be shocked if the fires moved the needle towards a reunion. Stevie and Mick have long established roots there, but would Lindsey performing for a show or two make a sizable difference in any funds raised? Probably not. If they wanted to raise serious coin, Zuckerberg--who owns a couple thousand acres on one of the islands--should challenge Musk to a dick measuring contest with each putting up a billion dollars. That's essentially what they were trying to do with their stupid MMA match that's never gonna happen.
  15. Pardon me if my sarcasm meter needs calibrating, but Rod Stewart had a top 20 hit with it.
  16. Wait until you read the latest Family Circus where Billy walks 50 miles trying to get from A to B. It's a knee slapper!
  17. Of course Glover drains the 30' bogie putt. Jesus.
  18. Hey now, pushing the special Diet Coke button while screaming at an aide to tune the TV to the gorilla channel will take its toll on anyone!
  19. OK, if Glover can pipe his drive after his right foot slipped 8" on his follow through it just might be his week (again). And if Jordan's birdie putt misses by one long blade of grass on the edge of the cup it just might not be his week (again).
  20. Cantlay chipped in to join Spieth at -13. And Jordan just hit one of the worst chili dips you'll ever see. He and Hovland are making a mess of the 10th. Jordan drops to -12.
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