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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. Being socially isolated because no one wants to be your friend doesn't really count though... It's like Vic Mackey giving up banging skinny chicks for lent.
  2. That's why you don't dip your pen in the company ink.
  3. Don't threaten me with a good time. And a big bravo to whoever the magnificent bastard is that started the conspiracy theory that vaccinated folk shed proteins that mutate your DNA so now all the antivax should start wearing masks to protect themselves from the vaccinated. That is just *chefs kiss*
  4. I think one highlight of the pandemic has been exposing all the gaping pussy DT crew who can't survive having a piece of cloth on their face. A bunch of soft, gaping goatse prolapsed pussies.
  5. I was assured by@GRHorn that the vax hesitant didn't align to political parties but rather was across a broad spectrum of people. This graph must be fake news.
  6. A fun experiment would be to go back in this thread to March 2020 and find some choice quotes from our resident DT epidemiologists and see what their views were then. Surely they knew 100% of everything to know about covid at that time.
  7. Have a family friend that would cull the rat snake population when they would get to be a nuisance by hard boiling an egg and sinking a treble hook into it and tying it off to the coop. I always thought that was cruel as hell but it worked.
  8. No pics showing the whole beach but it is probably 50 ft or more wider. The dunes got pushed back a good bit.
  9. Hard to get a sense of scale but looks like a bunch of dinks. They'll fatten up real quick eating that good though.
  10. Yep, that was you then. I remember now driving by and seeing someone laying down in the back , all sprawled out. Thought to myself "That man is living right". Pretty much everyone else covered it as far as surf fishing goes. My go to setup is throwing out live or chunk bait on my 9-10 ft surf rods with 4' PVC rod holders. You need a bigger pole for that so your line is up as high as you can get it so it doesn't rub on the sand bars that you cast over. That and you will be throwing a good bit of weight out between baits and a spider weight. I then use my 7' inshore rod to walk around in the surf and throw plastics or other lures along the different guts while the big rods are soaking. Easiest thing to catch in the surf is whiting. They're a type of smaller drum. They're good eating too. Grab some Pompano rigs and throw on some Fishbites. Fishbites is cheat mode for surf fishing. I always have the best luck with the bright pink shrimp strips. https://www.amazon.com/Fishbites-Saltwater-Longer-Lasting-Easy-to-Use/dp/B0084EGVGG/ref=asc_df_B0084EGVGG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312134190667&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6545947122765583241&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028244&hvtargid=pla-570330525348&psc=1
  11. Drove out to PINS Saturday for the maiden beach voyage for the truck and also test out the new Bestop camper I installed to see how it will fare for camping out of the back of the truck at the beach. I will definitely need to invest in some mesh side panels for air circulation. I tried to do some fishing at the end of Big Shell @ mile 30 but it was too fucking windy + seaweed everywhere getting blown in. Pretty postive I saw @blacklab or at least his FJ on Saturday afternoon too.
  12. Drove to Port A/PINS yesterday. Beach conditions weren't great so not sure how that influenced people showing up but it was pretty stacked to about 5 miles, then a good bit to about the 10. After that was the occasional RV and dudes fishing. It really cleared up at the 20 mile mark because it was 4WD only after that point. I turned around at 30 because it was desolate and didn't want to get stuck out there by myself.
  13. ROFL, poop knife story on the old board was my ex. We weren't newlyweds thank god. It was her first shit after coming home from the hospital after she had our oldest who is now 9, about to be 10. She got super constipated and gave birth again. It looked like a fucking Duraflame log that she was hacking up. Edit: and yes, she had the sense enough to do it with a plastic knife http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/69394-Wives-and-the-Stupid-Shit-They-Say-Do?p=11672271&viewfull=1#post11672271
  14. Sent from my KFONWI using Tapatalk
  15. It's probably Errestaurants...
  16. Homeboy about to get all the views on Twitch
  17. It's not excessively obsessed. We're just overwhelmed by the amount of dumb shit coming from that side of the aisle that there is a lot to cover. The far right loonies are the aggy of the political world; it's fascinating to watch and observe.
  18. "Wow, she sure got out of the pond fast without much convincing. They must not be married yet."
  19. Any chance of hail? I'd like to go for the hat trick with my truck.
  20. Depends on the particular vaccine but I think Moderna and Pfizer both offer like 80% off the first dose. I would think Moderna would be more because of dose size but its still pretty, pretty, pretty good.
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