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Everything posted by gsoda3

  1. gsoda3

    Austin FC

    i haven't watched a game this season, thanks apple+ and MLS. the graphic says 4231, but that's not a 4231 pass chart or formation. what've we been doing?
  2. if it comes down to it we have two break glass in case of emergency guys in robertson and yates who have experience and success closing games and a third in sborz who might have the makeup to be a closer we could trot out there in the 9th until we make a trade for someone.
  3. i don't know that i've ever seen anyone with luka's basketball iq. he slows everything down and is in complete control of the game to the point it looks boring. i wish his emotional iq was higher- i'm not asking for great, but average would be nice.
  4. Oh tampa. When your fan base is so old you have start times before 7pm to draw them in.
  5. Our interior defense is so good. I thought we'd have a noticeable defensive dropoff against the other team's primary ball handler when Josh Green went down but dj55 has done better than Josh. The way he gets around and through screens is one of those details you'll never notice unless you're looking for it. He's a master.
  6. Pritpal. I want to know where this random basketball court is/was.
  7. It doesn't make sense to me (especially with teams playing inside) but that's been their explanation.
  8. Gutsy win. Man that was physical. Loved exum sticking with his shot. DLive played so well again on Sabonis.
  9. MLB doesn't schedule around Good Friday or Easter Sunday. It doesn't make sense for covered stadiums but this isn't a new thing. Opening day's had a buffer day for a long time.
  10. In case the opening day game is cancelled for weather and has to be pushed back to the next day.
  11. that's a good interview. no softballs there.
  12. that needs to be changed. our rotation is a huge question mark but i'm optimistic about our bullpen.
  13. if memory serves it's not very deep if you end up in the water. b/t 4 and 8 ft deep i think.
  14. 3pt shooting was amazing but our defense [emoji44][emoji44]
  15. queensferry crossing is the white one on top, the forth road bridge is the middle, the red one is the forth bridge. you can use any one. i'm going to be driving a 9 passenger van across one of those bad boys to st andrews in august..
  16. I loved the pacing of this episode. Mirrors how anjin is discovering the Japanese appreciate the metaphysical details of the mundane (sake pot in tea room). The way Kiku screens herself from anjin so that it seems like Mariko is talking and how the tension builds from there was so well done.
  17. I'm pretty disappointed we didn't offer him that.
  18. are you measuring that with tiny baby feet?
  19. it works fine just like anywhere else.
  20. favorite != best etc etc i was in awe of carter beauford in the 90s. he did things i flat out couldn't figure out. it wasn't til later i realized he was left-handed and that unraveled a small part of the mystery.
  21. were they doing construction on the bridge deck? looks like there were lots of flashing/blinking lights.
  22. Cromwell eventually sold off most everything except Hampton Court and its contents which is where he lived. After he died and his son died and Charles 2 was restored the transactions were deemed illegal but Charles 2 didn't want to just take the land away from the purchasers so he turned them into leaseholders where he received the funds in exchange for use of royal land (he had an interest in preserving the peace and consequently his head. Remember he was restored with the promise he'd not seek revenge on anyone other than a small group of 60ish who were responsible for his father's death). By the time he was restored a lot of the land and homes were either destroyed or changed (stripped for valuable metal or forests cleared for timber etc) so it really was the most practical way forward.
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