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Everything posted by retread

  1. Demanding fealty from everyone in sight is a nice touch on his list.
  2. Whoever at Boeing decided to leave the MCAS documentation out of the final 'type' document (whatever it's called) should be put in jail.
  3. If they impeach, the Ds will probably get more credit from the voters than they think.
  4. The Rs along with RushHannityFox have been playing this game for >25 years. When you go home to your district, you say all the buzz words that please your base. Lower taxes, healthcare across state lines, strong military, responsible fiscal policy, free market, etc. When you go back to DC you work like hell to obtain more power and $$$, and in your spare time you try to undermine any good that the black, muslim president accomplished. Give it to the libs, and good. Trump/Bannon took that to a whole new level in the '16 campaign. Just saying Build the Wall a thousand times was enough for many voters.
  5. I think Nantz said Hogan, Palmer, Nicklaus, and Tiger are the only others to win 4 majors before 30.
  6. There are at least a few people at Boeing who knew that the software was capable of 2.5 degrees of action vs. 0.6 degrees. Then, they failed to include it in the paperwork that the FAA reviewed themselves. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/2/18518176/boeing-737-max-crash-problems-human-error-mcas-faa
  7. Sorry for your loss, Chief. Great story about your wife.
  8. When's the last time the Rs and Ds regularly worked together on legislation during a session?
  9. He's definitely elite along the lines of Graham and Gaetz. McConnell is in his own stratosphere of suck.
  10. If you're not sure how many you have in custody, it's probably safe to say that you're not really sure how they're being cared for.
  11. The southern drawl doesn't help him, but he sounds better in this old interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB0B-UuNRCg
  12. Even if he doesn't intentionally get us into a war (which he might), he will probably fall ass backwards into one like he's currently efforting w Iran.
  13. and if they're going to play the game of running every subpoena through the courts, they better find a way to be on cable news all the time with sound bites defending their position
  14. The election will be close. 40% for him, 40% against, and the middle 20% deciding. There will probably be a 3rd party candidate, R voter suppression, and new and improved Russian meddling. It won't be surprising if he wins.
  15. The Rs have masterfully controlled the narrative. They understand the way the news cycle works, and they understand the simple-mindedness and short attention span of the average American. Just say No Collusion, No Obstruction every day for 3 years, and the average American will believe it. If/when the Ds decide to impeach in the fall, many/most voters will wonder where this is coming from. Wasn't this settled 6 months ago when Barr sent out his summary letter?
  16. Like we've discussed itt before, the Rs held the house until 2006 and held the majority in the Senate on and off during that time period as well. At this point, I think doing the right thing >>>> political considerations. The right thing would be impeaching Trump and maybe also Barr.
  17. Like the Rs did when impeaching Clinton for lying about a BJ?
  18. What would the Rs be doing in this situation if roles were reversed?
  19. Barr is the ringer that Trump needed.
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