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Everything posted by Zepol87

  1. Pretty sure this is happening as a Seagoville scrap metal place my grandpa and I used to take cans to when I was younger. Klan and Hitler shit all around the offices, doubt we got a fair deal but my grandpa used to sap, sand and all other shit to weigh the bags down to get extra weight.
  2. Yep, lots of folks knew this was coming around here. Fucking loser ass virgin dipshits
  3. So stupid to throw on that last possession by the cowboys. Idiots
  4. I'm the opposite, mobile is fucked but pc working fine
  5. Hell yea!! Another Ryan Raider baby.
  6. Oh shit lol I never hit send. My fucking bad, I was wondering why you didn't reply
  7. Nope still fucked on mobile themes
  8. Yea I'm also not seeing cookie monster on mobile. Tried Chrome and Samsung browsers
  9. Yea finally got home a min ago. PC seems to be working fine, android chrome is where my problems are. Android updated yesterday
  10. Signed out and still having the problem with the other themes. Only IPs default allowing reply for me
  11. Gf did embark DNA thing when they had a sale and we were curious about his breed. We were all over the place when we talked about what it could be but it said 100% pit. On ankther note the neuter healing went great but damn he was ready to back to running around.
  12. I couldn't do shit until I went to IPS default. This theme sucks ass btw
  13. Sorry weird shit going on right now with Surly and I had to change themes to be able to reply. Gf will be with tomorrow night and I appreciate all the recs
  14. I am in but a little drunk, where do I send the money?
  15. Staying at The Menger Thursday and Friday, Thursday probably just gonna eat with coworkers and chill at the bar but anything worth checking out Friday night for dinner within walking distance preferred but not a deal breaker. Mexican and tex mex recs always welcomed but pretty much open to whatever
  16. This thread is perfect for gifts right now during the holidays. Good shit in here
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