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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. This is a great take. We get no separation, speed, or ball skills from our dudes. How many of those deep balls tonight did las year collin or duvernay go get. And guess what those dudes are playing on Sunday. wheres Jake Smith?
  2. I’m gonna eat so many McRibs when McUrb comes to town. Then I’m gonna get McDrunk.
  3. That’s some super puncher stuff right there.
  4. In for the momentum. Tonight’s beef ribs. Shiners but they were edible.
  5. The man who killed liberty valance pale rider the cowboys open range (to get then newer vote) now your list is good.
  6. Whatever happened to the pimp guy? Or that crackhead dangersnax?
  7. A lot of the fan base does. Look at the tons of posts on here bemoaning our assistant hires because they came from some dingledorf school and weren’t the big names. Coach o looked like a genius last year. He looks like a dipshit this year. I agree with you that Its mostly about fit.
  8. if you ever get the chance to go. It is A MUST DO. freakin murica
  9. It’s so much more fun to have hope.
  10. Wouldn’t that just be the most aggyiest thing aggy could do? Put it on the stadium!
  11. To continue the brisket show...last weekends work.
  12. Can we please just beat nova today and get urban? 2020 throw us a damn bone
  13. Everyone knows you cook brisket to temp and feel. Time is literally irrelevant most times. i am a no foil/paper guy. Let’s get some bark going!!!!!
  14. Even if we score 1000 it’s painfully obvious KSU’s defense sucks ass. They are getting blown out by our backup line. and we aren’t running anything different scheme wise on offense. We are just actually giving BIJAN THE FREAKING ROCK FOR ONCE. This game doesn’t save Herman.
  15. It’s Texas! That’s probably 1/100th of the capability. 😂
  16. I was there and happened to be sitting near the achos parents. Nobody in the Texas stands knew what the hell happened on that play. other top moments from that game: 1) some drunk dude yelling “show us your tits Lisa!” While Lisa salters was doing a sideline piece. 2) whole crowd chanting “RUUUUUUDY...RUUUUUUDY” at end of game after their douche qb talked crap all week. 3) hearing Texas fight getting louder and louder and then realizing the LHB was marching through sea world. Badass 4) Brandon foster having game of his life on defense. 5) me barfing on sidewalk while walking home to hotel but still throwing the horns up when team busses were driving by.
  17. Being The most sane person on this site is like being the best looking chick in West Virginia. You are the only one that cares and it’s not that impressive to anyone really.
  18. I think you meant lays bbq. The all American girl next door chip. A classic
  19. Who is gonna take one for the team and verify futureman’s anal sacrifice?
  20. This better be true or the negging afterward will damn your soul to all eternity.
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