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Everything posted by Pods

  1. Do they really think we're this stupid? The fucking Weatherford DMV? Please. Everyone knows if you're looking for immigrants to illegally register to vote, you go to the parking lot at Home Depot.
  2. Exactly this. Actual reality exposes the GOP as cruel, selfish and craven. Actual reality clearly shows that the GOP only benefits the billionaire class and fucks the poor and middle class. There's a lot more of us than there is of them, so Fox and other right wing media decided to undermine the nature of reality itself. In order to do that, They first had to understand actual reality and how words can be used to distort and destroy it. Watters represents the next generation of right wing media. A reprehensible human being, who has also drunk the Kool-Aid and also happens to be an ignorant idiot.
  3. Guns, food, lots of water, shelter to block the heat of the day. Then head to the middle of the desert and wait for those zombie fucks to rot, or turn to zombie jerky if they come my direction.
  4. Approximately where I learned to drive a car. Miles and miles of straight and no hills. Mom couldn't deal with the monotony anymore. She pulled over and announced I was going to take over for a bit. I was 14. It was probably easier than learning in a parking lot though. In parking lots you have to use the steering wheel.
  5. They get that one right at least. They've managed to erode reality itself for most of their audience. The British occupying DC and burning the White House was a much lower threat than the constant right wing disinformation campaign. Only one of them represents an actual threat to the existence of the United States.
  6. Probably on the Shag. It seems like a lifetime ago.
  7. also @LTbear, though the question @Bevo was asking was UT specific.
  8. What are two words to describe Andrew Tate? His fellow toxic-masculinitites have decided this means he is trans. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/andrew-tate-transgender-conspiracy-theory/ I never thought leopards would eat my dick, says man who voted for leopards eating people's dicks party.
  9. Props to Walz for starting the "Weird" trend. Started it in Dec 2023, but the video search is swamped by more recent ones and I can't find it. Brought it up again and it's causing Trump to have a meltdown. Whatever role he winds up in next, Tim Walz has done a tremendous service to the country. It's fucking hilarious he did it by calling Trump "weird".
  10. Pardoning the Civil War traitors was a massive mistake that has festered and metastasized to the present day. Pardoning Nixon was a massive mistake that has festered and metastasized to the present day. We are currently paying for our ancestors generosity and forgiveness. We have to break the cycle. If the US doesn't make an example of traitors, it is only a matter of time until we fall.
  11. As bad as this was, Harris Faulkner spent probably half the time filibustering, or leading Trump into a filibustering answer. She bailed him out over and over and it was really fucking obvious. Fox needs to give her a raise, because she kept that from being much worse, but also just shot the little credibility she had left. Everyone should see now that Harris Faulkner is a propagandist, not a journalist. Always has been, but this made it even more obvious. That was one of the big goals Trump had coming in and the only one he succeeded at. He's been working his base for a bit that ABC isn't reliable and it hasn't gotten traction, because it's fucking stupid. This will give it some traction, even though it's even stupider now. If anything, she was easy on him. Them's fighting words and she had every right to slap the shit out of him, ex-President or no. Very professional of her to not react to his provocations.
  12. Walz is the Democratic Party Rosetta Stone to talk to rural whites who are currently voting against their own self-interests. If we are ever going to head off the threat to democracy, we are going to need to peel off some of them. Walz can reach them, because he is them. If he isn't the VP, he needs to be in a major public facing role. Either way, he needs to be on Fox as often as those stupid bastards will put him on.
  13. October Surprise is a jello mold with shredded carrots and marshmallow pumpkins.
  14. This has been some boring, uninspiring white guy shit. If you wanted to put together a slate of speakers that makes it REALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS THE VP HAS TO BE TIM WALZ, it wouldn't look any different from this.
  15. Kelly is a good Senator, but he isn't a public speaker. He's slow, methodical and super fucking boring. Walz is a top-2 communicator in the Democratic Party and he's the only one of the 2 that the rural parts of the Blue Wall we need will vote for.
  16. He's the goddamn Rosetta Stone for how to talk to rural Americans who are currently voting against their own self-interests.
  17. Gracias. I RSVP'ed and didn't want to no-show, but can't find a way to do it through Zoom. You would think a group of middle aged white dudes would be more organized.
  18. Anyone know the meeting ID or Personal Link name for the White Dudes for Harris meeting?
  19. Arepas are almost always too thick and taste like under salted, wadded up masa. Cachapas con queso de mano somos el Rey del comida Venezolano. They have much more flavor and aren't dry like arepas can be and are great with, or without meat. I've never had one that wasn't good. Patacones are also awesome. Fried plantain discs.
  20. There is, but he's not going to tell it until the week after OU.
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