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Everything posted by Pods

  1. He should skip his junior and senior years at Aledo, move to Austin, and we'll have the College of Education homeschool him.
  2. That highlight video of 2:20 of him making everyone else look stupid is labelled "Mid season Highlights". He'll probably do okay in Sark offense.
  3. Our 2 best defensive position coaches left and we're still saddled with the 2 questionable ones in Joseph and Gideon. I don't think anyone would have issues trusting Choate and Davis.
  4. Complimentary shipping? How magnanimous of them. I appreciate the gesture, but this makes my decision so much more difficult. Free shipping makes me feel valued as a customer, but spending over $3400 less is also appealing. If only there were somewhere else I could get free shipping...
  5. It's going to be awesome. Them "making" us play at College Station for the first resumed game is not the flex they think it is. If they'd lost to us on the road, they could at least try to sell that they'd win at home for another year. Instead, we're going to get it out of the way the first season and establish that they do not in fact, run this state. Yet another fantastic aggy self-own, their oldest, and finest, tradition.
  6. Seems pretty efficient to me, especially if you don't own a toaster.
  7. Kalen woke up this morning with a bad hangover And his Penix was missing again This happens all the time It's detachable
  8. If anyone feels compelled to engage the troll, at least make him use one of his many new troll accounts.
  9. Fun fact: The real reason the dinosaurs went extinct is because Jerry Falwell Jr. kept creeping on them when they were trying to mate.
  10. Looks like the rumors that FSU was going to skip the Orange Bowl turned out to be true.
  11. The man knows his meat. I have one of those KitchenAid grinders and it is awesome. I almost never buy store ground beef anymore. The quality of fresh ground is far superior and I can do a coarser grind, which everyone in my house prefers. I can also grind some meat, then sprinkle seasonings on, then repeat in layers to season the meat without compacting it by mixing afterwards. Catch a chuck, or round roast, on sale and chuck them in the freezer and it's pretty economical as well. If you've already got a KitchenAid mixer, get that grinder attachment. You won't regret it.
  12. Very cool specimen and I'm going to use it as an excuse to talk about exploding whales, since that's likely what happened to this specimen as well. Things that die and wind up in water go through a process called bloat and float. The decomposition gasses build up, and bloat the carcass, which then floats around, continuing to decay and produce more gasses. This is why the mob uses cement overshoes and why @Nicole44 will soon start using something similar on Rainey St. Eventually, the pressure builds up enough to explode and the carcass sinks. Here's a whale carcass that is close to rupturing. And here are some gifs of what this looks like when it explodes. I'm going to spoiler them, because although it's very cool, the explosions are violent and fucking disgusting.
  13. Fuck people. Let's use the Reptilians. Pound for pound, they are stronger than people, and can move him more quickly. We will have to make sure the sun is out though...
  14. The Royal Tyrell is easily the best paleontology museum in NA, likely the world. If you or your kid have an interest in dinosaurs, ice age mammals, marine mammals, or Burgess Shale fauna, you want to go there. The specimens there are incredible and most are from the local area. They also do public dinosaur dig experiences where you can go out and dig with them. I'm not going to hijack an awesome thread further, but I'll post 2 quick pics. Anyone with questions, feel free to hit me up via PM. Here's a tyrannosaurid preserved in a death pose, where the ligaments on the neck shrank as they dried out after death, with the neck and tail pulled back over the body. There are only a few of these in the world and virtually all are at the Tyrell. A longhorned bison skull (cattle come from Africa).
  15. The only thing Stephen Miller knows about organics is how to harvest their organs.
  16. I had that in mind, but I wasn't clear. Normally long coat tails drags the other candidates along, I was thinking of Trump's effect in these districts as a long fupa that falls under their feet, trips them up and then forces them up and under the fupa, where any future political ambitions are asphyxiated, then their husk of a corpse is discarded. I should have stated it as Trump has long fupatails. I like the gerbils one too.
  17. Negative. Virtually all women are freezing all of the time. Witches are women and thus it's an accurate descriptor. Saying "it's colder than a warlock's tit" on the other hand... All of us that grew up in the West/Southwest probably have a bunch of those Old West origin words. I'm working on eliminating "off the reservation" and "off the rez" from my own speech after I caught myself before making a similar gaffe. Shit's hard. I hadn't realized how often I said them until I started paying attention.
  18. They definitely should. And then keep asking him. Dotard has no self-control, he'd eventually slip up, "WON"T NEED ONE" or go full "YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT, I'M RUNNING AGAIN". It wouldn't dissuade his supporters, and might even encourage them, but it might help more people recognize the danger. If he wins in 2024, he'll never step down willingly, and I doubt we have another election. It will be a sham if we do.
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