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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DDD Dad

  1. You can always just download the app for your phone.
  2. It isn’t. It’s illegal not to report it as a campaign contribution. You see if you run for public office you have to disclose when you receive contributions. It’s kind of a big deal.
  3. Similar. Our kids grew up at the Lakewood Matt's that was originally on the corner by where Starbucks now is (it was a 7-11 and his "No Place" restaurant was next door). It had already moved there from Ferguson by the time we had moved back to Dallas in '96. At some point they moved to where the old Boardwalk Beach Club was located (Mico's current location). After Matt passed away (cancer), the quality took a noticeable decline, I think primarily because Matt III just wasn't as sharp managing, plus they had started expanding (there was a location near Allen on 75 and then I think one in Garland before the two current satellite locations in Royce City and the new Allen spot). Then they decided not to stay in the Lakewood shopping center when the landlord hiked the rent. A friend of mine designed their new space, and while we continued to patronize it, it was always hit or miss on quality, and other than Friday dinner, never seemed to be overly crowded. We would regularly go and sit in the bar on Sundays to watch Sunday Night Football and have dinner and a few margaritas. When we heard it was closing we went there early on Saturday (early for us), around 6:30 pm. It was the most crowded I had ever seen that location. We were told there was a 2 hour wait for a table but I managed to find two seats at the bar, and we were able to stay there. Their dishwasher had already quit so they were serving drinks mostly in plastic cups. Service was a shit show (worse than typical), but for nostalgia purposes we just had to stick it out. We were very fond of Matt and he was great with our kids. He would always come by and spend time with them, and it was a genuine thing (not just because it was his restaurant). Also, IIRC the original Bob Armstrong dip was something that Matt Jr. created, not Matt Sr., while he was working for his dad at the Austin restaurant.
  4. I recall there being an issue with how New York treats double jeopardy. It's been a long time since I looked at it, though. ETA: quick google turned this up. From the NYCLU legislative memo opposing recent legislation to close double jeopardy loophole: "After the Supreme Court undermined constitutional double jeopardy protections by introducing the concept of dual sovereignty, permitting successive state and federal prosecutions based on the same crime, New York wisely adopted strong statutory double jeopardy protections superseding dual sovereignty and prohibiting 'a second prosecution if the defendant has been once tried by another government for a similar offense.'”
  5. Just binged through season 1. I'm in for season 2 but this had some pretty far fetched story lines to me.
  6. Came here to post this: (but @Lurch beat me to it) And then this:
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