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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DDD Dad

  1. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
  2. Smith & Wesson approves of this message.
  3. What a sad, selfish person you have shown yourself to be.
  4. You mean the schools that they are actively attempting to de-fund via vouchers, etc.?
  5. I’m getting ads on safari. Happened today in the mass shooter thread (cr)
  6. Yellowstone is hot garbage. Prove me wrong. also I loved Wind River, Sicario, and Hell or High Water.
  7. They're also not physically attractive.
  8. Okay I just watched the last episode and I have no idea what the fuck most of you are talking about. (I’m not a Star Wars canon dork ).
  9. DDD Dad


    Could've been worse. She could have reminded you of a certain deconstructed burger.
  10. I look forward to seeing whatever ultimately gets published after peer review. As I've said before, I don't have a vested interest in one outcome over another. I would like to see if we can reach a consensus (or as close to one as possible) regrading the source, but I'm not terribly optimistic we'll ever really know.
  11. DDD Dad


    Like I implied in my first post, I played competitive tennis as a junior to a level that would have enabled me to play for a division 1 college team (but I had burned out by then). I harbor no delusions that I could beat a professional women's tennis player today. MAYBE back when I was in my best form I'd have a chance against a satellite tour player but I still doubt it. Shoot, I play golf regularly with (and have played with and beaten at tennis several years ago) a guy who played on tour (played at Wimbledon, was Bjorn Borg's practice partner and SMU tennis HOF member) and he isn't beating any professional or even college player today (of course he's over 60 now, but my point still stands)
  12. With this I completely agree.
  13. DDD Dad


    I just did a quick check of LPGA stats. AVERAGE driving distance of top 50 players exceeds 250. That would hold up against just about any amateur male golfer (scratch or higher handicap) in an 18 hole round, regardless of tees played. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the average driving distance of 0-5 handicap males was...wait for it... around 240 yards. https://www.golfwrx.com/637222/the-average-driving-distance-for-male-amateur-golfers-in-each-handicap-range/ https://www.golfmagic.com/equipment-news/new-golf-driving-distance-stats-are-out-are-you-average-your-handicap https://www.golfmonthly.com/features/the-game/how-far-do-average-golfers-actually-hit-it-123891
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