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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. I plan on putting a "Praise Jesus" sticker right next to a "Praise Satan" sticker on my car as protection. I figure this covers about 97% of people most likely to randomly walk up to my car and try to kill me.
  2. Narrator- “ In the end, it turned out that the strategy of discussing schizophrenic hallucinations and murderous intentions was in fact not a poor campaign choice at all in this period of America’s death.”
  3. Started watching Keep Sweet Pray & Obey on Netflix about the FLDS cult. So many parallels to the new MAGA GOP
  4. “"Those police officers did not deserve what happened to them," a tearful Mault told the judge before he was sentenced. "As a soldier ... I should have known better."
  5. That's unfortunate and all but did you hear about Hillary's emails????
  6. Let he who hasn’t french horned a girl’s anus, cast the first stone..
  7. If banging hot MILFs is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  8. Richard Justice’s proposed solution: “ I know that’s naive, but if they ever got together, it would take them about five minutes to come up with a brand-new conference that’d be wildly appealing in the Lone Star State. UT and A&M would be in it. So would Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Arkansas. Also Texas Tech, Baylor, Houston, Oklahoma State, TCU, and SMU. (I’d also invite UTSA, UTEP, and North Texas.)”
  9. While we are at it I propose the following additional changes: "Lynching" --> "gravity induced dyspnea" "Racism" --> "Exuberant Racial Pride" "Rape" --> "Unexpected cervical exam"
  10. Just wait till all the upper class republican family teenage girls can't get their Accutane anymore for their acne!
  11. Is there a template form that all these decommits use for Twitter ? If you wife ever comes home and starts a conversation with "First off, I'd like to thank..." and then slips to "With that being said....." you just got served.
  12. And the jurisdiction of the SC should be significantly curtailed https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/26/amy-coney-barrett-confirmation-court-packing-jursidiction-stripping-432566
  13. Blue states should make laws that any out of state resident seeking an abortion who’s family is above poverty line will need pre-certification screening via Planned Parenthood. If your family is registered republican or found to have donated to republican candidates or causes within the last 5 years, you will be extradited to your home state and denied services.
  14. Judge Luttig may or may not be a stroke victim, but he is a republican and he mentored Ted Cruz so give the man a fuckin break if his brain isn’t complete right.
  15. Wait. There are people with secret, undisclosed pardons? Pardons are not subject to Freedom of Information?
  16. A secret service officer assigned to every school aged child and we got this problem licked!
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