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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. What app are you seeing this on? I want in
  2. Horn Dog

    Hudson Card

    Although Card is far from perfect, and his missed open balls over 10yards make me want to kick puppy, he had a good game overall and has improved. Hope that the switch has flipped and he continues to improve. Sark needs to just lock him in a room for a week and make him do mental processing exercises
  3. Wish i felt comfortable with a 21 points going into a Sark second half.
  4. Can anyone at the game tell if Patterson is running the D?
  5. LOL. Imagine thinking that beating mediocre team like Texas was a huge accomplishment.
  6. OU Football- Like smelling your own cunt.
  7. Yea I should have said “at least 8-9”. My son is a senior and we just got back from touring central and southern CA schools. Could only fit so much in a week but it there is absolutely no comparison to Texas. Our Texas tour took one afternoon… Rice and UT. Cali would take a month to see all the possibilities.
  8. Where does he strike? Territories he just liberated via decree full of Russians wanting to be Russian? Territories Ukrain just retook? Crimea? Kyiv? Where does he strike that's generates any positive? (Yes I'm aware that Putin acts against any best interest ) Unfortunately i think we are way pass rationality. He could strike any of those options and not think twice. A rational actor would have gotten Ukraine to agree not to join NATO for some set period of time, declared victory in keeping NATO off his border and then withdrawn. My guess is he tries to surge with all his new “volunteers” to gain back territory. When that fails, he will strike with a tactical nuke near a concentration of Urkanian troops and kill a few thousand of his “new Russian citizens” then blame Ukraine for it. We will not respond militarily but will pressure China and India to condemn and they will murmur something about “both sides”. We will then threaten to sanction any nation that does not break ties with Russia. We will then send Ukraine some more sophisticated weapons and try to isolate Russia further. Hopefully that will work, but it will take years if not decades.
  9. Texas has exactly 2 schools i would ever consider paying to send any of my kids to. Cali has 8 or 9. Texas is not even in the same zip code when compared to Cali with respect to quality colleges
  10. I honestly don’t see how Putin is NOT going to use a nuke at this point since he has really painted himself in a corner and seems hell bent on the this strategy. Baring assassination he really has no othet options. So how do you guys see us responding? 1. Russia uses a small battlefield tactical nuke use. I don’t think we do anything. Putin will be completely isolated so I think we will stir up global outrage, send more conventional weapons to Ukraine and watch Russia implode. 2. Russia nukes a city. All bets are off. I think we will actually respond forcefully and get directly involved in blasting their military to the stone ages. Its WW3 at this point. fun times.
  11. Inner city Level 1 trauma centers are wild places. You would be amazed at the shit we saw. Radiology had a "Wall of Shame" dedicated to items found in rectums and the list I gave you was not even that unusual. Amazingly, it was always "a fall" that was the cause. Again, not one attending ever proposed a study of how falls were causing such a epidemic of rectal penetration, but perhaps we were just short sighted and should have taken it seriously.
  12. This reminds me of when I was a medical resident and a guy came into the ER complaining of rectal pain. We do an xray and find a screwdriver, a soda can, a set of car keys and a small tool box in his rectum. We rush him to surgery to remove these items and as we are prepping him I can't help but ask him how this happened. He says "I fell down the stairs." When I present him at ground rounds and state that "The patient states these items appeared in his rectum after a fall down the stairs" there was no discussion of "Wow, this unchartered medical circumstances!" No one proposed a literature search to see if "flaccid rectal syndrome" was a thing. No one called the social worker to do a house visit see if this man's stairs when indeed expectantly shoving tools in his rectum. We fucking laughed, and the then moved on. Somehow I feel like if the room had been filled with lawyers the discussion would still be going on.
  13. Horn Dog

    Hudson Card

    A backup QB who runs out of pocket at first sign of pressure, bailed out on some passes by extraordinary receiver play, throws into heavy pressure for incompletions, a couple of completed 7 yrd throws, an interception at crucial moment, and ultimately a loss. So basically Card of 2017 is essentially the same as Card 2022.
  14. Card has improved from turd to tard.
  15. Is that a bourbon enema/dildo combo? Stoops will be buying the entire stock of those glass cocks.
  16. There is only one strategy to properly defend this: —15yr cushions, especially on 4th and short. —Rush 2-3 to keep QB comfortable. If we do get to QB, make sure to run past him or rough him to get the penalty. —Safeties must stay at least 5 yards from receivers or better yet leave them unguarded. —any potential interceptions must be dropped —our defense needs at maximize being on the field to rest our offense. Defending 100-150 snaps is ideal. NEVER defend 3rd downs.
  17. This is where I’m at with Sark. I think he is a smart, decent guy who hasn’t figured it out and may not be a bit too loyal and unable to cut dead weight quickly. Then again he is not a cunt like Herman, so other coaches actually want to work for him. It is a very fine balance that probably only Saban has truly mastered.
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