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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. They're the worst. There are a group of guys from the town where I went to elementary school and junior high that go up for every Iowa/Minnesota game and act like they're the fucking Huns sacking Gaul. Some of these guys are actually pretty smart when they're isolated from that crowd, but man, get 'em together and it's every stereotype that ISU fans hate about Iowa fans. Granted, you guys could just fill the place yourself for that one. Minnesota fans bear some responsibility in this arrangement. One of my best Hawkeye buddies used to live at the end of Olive Court. It was fun partying at his place prior to El Assico in 2012. I'm guessing that shithole house is gone now. Probably adjacent to where you tailgated. I just assumed that Iowa fans are as shitty to visiting Gopher fans as they are to us. I've had beer thrown at me twice in Iowa City for just daring to walk down the street in cardinal and gold. One of the times I was caring ice bags in each hand.
  2. Well, they should. TCU and us both suck, and Fresno is ranked and Wyoming played Texas better than Bama did.
  3. Finishing off her first week of day care today, and turned 2 months old yesterday. I bet she can’t even name 5 of their songs.
  4. I guess Iowa’s former AD pleaded to keep them, and no one else had a problem with it. It does help buffer Iowa from the seriously good programs, and the universe has always been more than willing to toss Iowa a lucky break.
  5. Iowa’s a lot of fun. I’d imagine the experience as a non-rival visitor is pretty similar to going to an ISU game. The biggest difference is that ISU has a way more traditional tailgating set up. Jack Trice was built off the edge of campus on what was farmland in the 70’s. It has tons of parking surrounding the stadium, and people roll in buses, vans, RVs, etc as far as you can see. Kinnick is older and built in what’s become a fully residential neighborhood. There’s little regular parking, but all the houses in the neighborhood throw big ass yard parties. As a Washington fan, you can walk around with some beer and people will invite you in. If you’re an Iowa State, Minnesota, or Nebraska fan, they’ll throw beer at you.
  6. It is right now. The Pac has been absolute shit compared to the Big 12 for the past 15 years, including when Riley went there.
  7. Ahh. I didn't even realize you could buy venison in stores. I've only ever had it as wild game. Of course, in Iowa WT are practically feral cows that live off of corn and soybeans, so they really have very little of the "gamey" flavoring and basically tastes like lean beef.
  8. I celebrate organ meat's entire catalog.
  9. Holy shit, I need that in my life.
  10. I love Friday games, personally. Each school would host, at max, 1 per year. If you're going, just take a day of PTO and make a 3 day weekend out of it. Then you have all day Saturday to watch the other games stress free. I wouldn't want it every week, but it won't be that. If it's a road game, that's even better. Start the weekend off right.
  11. I’ll wager the new Big 12 will have a lot of Friday night games. Probably even a few double headers with an Eastern time early and a Mountain time late.
  12. I can’t imagine anything that would arouse that man more
  13. The Skids have always been the worst part of the show. Small town methheads don't act like those guys, at all.
  14. I freaking love "Love You Just the Same" and have never really gotten that into anything else Will Johnson has done. Even though pretty much every musician I like and lots of people with similar tastes to me hold him in the highest regard. I did find him really good when I saw him open for John Moreland awhile back.
  15. I couldn't stand Isbell's last couple albums and made that pretty clear in this thread. I just don't get how someone listens to that song and gets Dishwalla from it.
  16. He's not Jared Lorenzen, but you would definitely assume this guy is a defensive lineman.
  17. Irrelevant. There are at least 3 (Minnesota, NW, Purdue) games left where they could kneel down on every offensive play, punt, and win via defense or special teams TDs. There's some aggravating force of nature that has made Iowa's opponents consistently commit major unforced errors (or it could just be that 2/3rds of the Big 10 is straight garbage) at crucial points in games that always benefit Iowa. They could go the rest of the year without the offense scoring a single point and still end up with 7 wins.
  18. Do you think SMU expected that FSU and Clemson would be long for the ACC when they joined? I think SMU knows that the most likely outcome is that the top 4 ACC brands are going to leave at the end of the GOR for the Big 10 and SEC, and that a few mid tiers may go to the Big 12. My assumption is that SMU is joining the ACC with the goal of building themselves up for a Big 12 invite when the bigger brands leave, or of the ACC still existing in a reduced form that has considerably better pay and playoff access than the AAC. Either way, I can't imagine they had machinations of being partners with FSU and Clemson for very long.
  19. That looks fucking incredible. I'm a lunatic about backstrap and a general fan of venison altogether (deer heart is excellent when prepared right) and I've never encountered a rib rack.
  20. I still kinda don't buy it (at this stage in the game - I think it's an eventual likelihood) but IF this were true, one would assume FSU is right there as well.
  21. I just assumed he stopped playing Whitehouse Road because he quit doing drugs himself and wasn't real interested in going playing a song about hammering 'shine and snorting rails.
  22. He hates the Hateful 8 more than the posters in this thread. He was absolutely dancing on our grave when you guys announced the SEC move and talked about how we would get a contract on par with the AAC. He's a big Pac 12 guy. The best part of this past summer was watching people slamming him with receipts on Twitter.
  23. That's what we get for losing to Ohio. I wonder how many times Stew came before firing that one off?
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