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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. stop putting us back on first down. run the ball
  2. lol he got crushed and that's a foul on him?
  3. big mistake to go away from the run that drive. please get off the script
  4. we are watching the blueprint to win it. get them tired in the 4th
  5. Ewers placid demeanor probably a plus right now
  6. love him casually mentioning that one of his teammates stole from him at Texas
  7. what man Mike McCarthy's age has ever changed. accept this is fate.
  8. news update: Mike McCarthy still doesn't understand his idiocy
  9. how should he make sure the ref knows apart from talking? touch him and you are out of the game
  10. looks like Detroit got hosed on that one. whether there was another penalty, is another question. Decker certainly went up to report.
  11. Dan Campbell is on something
  12. They don’t deserve it. This team is brain dead and going nowhere
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