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Brian Fantana

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  1. Nah I'm from the Midland/Odessa area it's way worse than that
  2. OP is kinda weird if this is your first time
  3. She just has a sub-Wikipedia level knowledge of the conflict and its players and just assumes anyone who is anti-Zionist is pro-Hamas or antisemitic. It's hardly an uncommon phenomenon.
  4. Alternatively you can fuck your own and/or your mom's face.
  5. Every post he makes on this subject has hardcore evangelical underpinnings. He has to dickride Israel and whatever fascist support AIPAC can stir up so his weird ass rapture fantasy can come true. Neg and move on.
  6. Eh, I think it's a fair thing for him to point out. It is a somewhat important distinction.
  7. Well you see, they're orcs. The pro-Israeli protestors are the only humans. I do have to say the absolute silence from certain posters on this topic is deafening.
  8. I mean it was a bad choice. I get that you were probably annoyed but it wasn't the right move is all. Thanks for restoring everything.
  9. Again, so you just delete all of them instead of separating them out? This is an important news story.
  10. He's not carrying water, he's just being stupid about moderation. BL isn't a chud.
  11. That is some fucking dogwater ass moderation I'm not gonna lie I understand what BL does most of the time but holy hell what a stupid, stupid thing to do
  12. Dude your brain is made of runny ass grits sometimes god damn Seriously you just delete every post instead of separating out what is a major news story happening on the UT-Austin campus?
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