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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Apartheid Defense League at it again
  2. Puts a big smile on my face to see innocent people released back to their families, Israeli or Palestinian. I hope we see more of this and less death across the board. We all get swept up talking about who's to blame and who's evil and whatnot and we often forget that the vast majority of these people on either side are just trying to live their lives and survive. https://www.axios.com/2025/01/20/israel-gaza-ceasefire-hostages-prisoners-released-photos
  3. Badmofo. He posted here as well, mostly to be an antagonistic weirdo, but got banned shortly after the switch IIRC.
  4. Yes I should have qualified by saying they did not come out and vote on the Presidential ticket for myriad reasons. Is this disputed by anyone?
  5. Ok, so who are you even arguing with and about what? Literally no one ever argues against the possibility of winning an election but losing the popular vote. It's happened plenty. Do you think you are making some kind of brilliant deduction no one else has thought of? Everyone knows that the voter pool is there. Everyone with a brain understands the Democrats failed to motivate them to come out and vote, for myriad reasons.
  6. I'm not a liberal, dumbass. You quite literally used popular vote count totals to try and make a stupid point about Biden getting "the mostest votes ever" when it clearly doesn't mean a goddamn fucking thing. Also, I've been quite critical of the Harris campaign and its obviously fatal mistakes so I don't know who you think you're talking to but keep fucking that chicken, you hillbilly dipshit.
  7. Yes, but context matters. Trump was very polarizing, very unpopular, and his handling of COVID-19 energized the voting base in a way that had never been seen before (on both sides, mind you). You say this as if it's some kind of mic drop, but in reality both Trump and Biden surpassed the previous high total for most votes in an election ever. The margin certainly wasn't the highest ever, not by a long shot, not higher than Obama's for sure. This is just a stupid thing to say. Yeah, she lost badly, but that doesn't mean Biden is above reproach. What are you crazy?
  8. I have to admit, I find it strange that a lot of people on this board seem to think Biden is above any and all criticism, especially people like @TwiceHorn.
  9. I have to agree with Ana here, it's a joke. If he actually wanted this done he would have done it years ago. This is functionally just a meaningless tweet even though it is technically an official statement.
  10. Since @jimmyjazz thread got deleted by Rex being a bitch again and ruining another thread... https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2025/01/17/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-equal-rights-amendment/ This is fucking stupid, he should have done this in 2021.
  11. Yeah that dude is clearly not a bear. Stolen bear valor and pedophilia? What the fuck, guy.
  12. 1000% He already admitted to being attracted to girls that look underage, so it's a short hop from there.
  13. I disagree with you on Biden being unable to stop anything, but agree with everything else you said. They played everyone like a fiddle for sure.
  14. I mean, yeah. It's one of the least surprising things to happen, except pretty much every liberal Zionist or genocide cheerleader that sees this will probably be shocked, as they were all dutifully parroting the "Trump is going to turn Gaza into a glass parking lot on Day 1" and "There's nothing Biden can or should do to pressure Israel" lines. Not that I'm saying Trump is going to be good for Palestinians at all, the entire region will be much worse off because of him. The point is, Biden could have put a stop to this very quickly but he very clearly did not want to. Instead he decided to permanently damage his party's reputation/credibility, both internationally and domestically, and hand Trump one of the easiest W's he's going to get as President on a silver platter. It was plain as fucking day what was going on from the very start, and we had to fucking argue about it nonstop for over a year and listen to the administration's lies from the pulpit about this conflict every goddamn day.
  15. I would say you cannot possibly be this stupid, but then again, you are
  16. Trump has basically traded the US support for the annexation of the West Bank for a true ceasefire in Gaza. Wild shit. Hundreds of thousands more will be displaced or killed.
  17. Cross posting: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2025-01-13/ty-article/.premium/trumps-mideast-envoy-forced-netanyahu-to-accept-a-gaza-plan-he-repeatedly-rejected/00000194-615c-d4d0-a1f4-fbfdce850000 Link to full text: https://archive.ph/dh76U
  18. Trump's Mideast Envoy Forced Netanyahu to Accept a Gaza Plan He Repeatedly Rejected - Israel News - Haaretz.com Link to the full text: https://archive.ph/dh76U
  19. Far worse than that. It will further decimate the already fragile Arab/American international relationship.
  20. Can we please work on your analogies, troph? Holy MOLY
  21. 60 minutes from last night.
  22. I'm not trashing it, it's a good thing, I'm lamenting that this couldn't have been done months ago. Maybe take some deep breaths.
  23. Joe Biden sinking deep into the cuck chair like that kid in Get Out
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