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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. My guess is that this would not have been an issue had Trump not fanned the flames with his tweet. So Sugar Tits here we are, read the room. Maybe now is the time we look at addressing these things since your boss is constantly stirring up shit. Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit.
  2. "and in lighter news today, the First Lady let Trump out of his bunker so he could pick the pizza toppings for his upcoming 74th birthday. Rumor has it he went with the choices of plain cheese or cheese and hamberders."
  3. She's the worst. It's time to tap into our rainy day wreath fund and get @Red Five White House media credentials and air fare to D.C.
  4. Surly News. News with an attitude. Damn right it's 5 O'clock somewhere and ou still sucks!
  5. Well then, I award you all my internet points for the day. If you send me your checking account number and routing information I will make a deposit.
  6. And they're also two completely different categories when comparing movies. Black comedy movies: Harlem Nights, Coming to America, Friday, White Men Can't Jump Dark comedy movies: Pulp Fiction, Fargo, Snatch, Shaun of the Dead
  7. I'm assuming you mean "dark comedy"
  8. From Trump Twitter archive. He's been in office 1237 days. He's tweeted about "fake news" 802 times, about Fox News or Hannity 867 times, about CNN 247 times (thought that'd be higher), NBC 155 times.
  9. Well his aphids and crabs weren't going to rectumify themselves.
  10. Be careful John, Trump is on record not liking people who are constantly kneeling.
  11. Fuck him. It's not that high of a bar. You're either in or you are out.
  12. Oh his tweets always bring a chuckle. Someone please dump a box of legos down in the WH bunker so our Child-in-Chief can make something constructive to distract him from how mean everyone is to him.
  13. No, we have better. We're just making a point on how easy it is to beat Trump.
  14. "Stand up straight". He can't even practice what he preaches.
  15. Fucking finally we get some top men working on this problem!
  16. And the campaign ads continue to write themselves.
  17. Needed to be said a third time for the message to really set in.
  18. Hey John I know I called you a piece of shit as I kicked you aside and brought in a better yes man lawyer. We're good right? Hey could you sign your name to this? - Trump, probably
  19. Is there a rash of churches going up in flames today that I'm unaware of?
  20. Dont' forget about this......The Drug Enforcement Administration has been granted sweeping new authority to “conduct covert surveillance” and collect intelligence on people participating in protests over the police killing of George Floyd
  21. This is where I've moved to. After 3.5 years of exposure to Trump. his cult isn't going to open up for a dialogue. Let them own it all. Post his insane rants for all to see. Call out the use of force to disperse peaceful protesters, violating their constitutional rights to peacefully assemble, so he could hold a staged photo op to feed his narcissistic desire to try and show some kind of false narrative he was a leader. Then tear them apart as they try to defend it. Though, honestly most don't either have the courage to defend it publicly or are just to tired of trying to do so now. None the less, expose Trump and his followers to the disinfectant of light.
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