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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. We'll be fine. It's not like Trump has been wrong before.
  2. I can't find the original article. But this references the restaurant contact tracing/airflow transmission. There is also a study done with an office that had similar results due to recirculated air. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/20/health/airflow-coronavirus-restaurants.html
  3. I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball.
  4. Nothing's changed. People are lazy. Wearing a mask is one of the simplest things people can do to help eliminate the virus, yet here we are. There will be a second wave, if we're lucky it will prey upon the stupid and wear itself out.
  5. Did Pussy really need to use a "blood" orange for their martini?
  6. In regards to bulk hand sanitizer you may inquire with local distilleries that may have switched over to producing hand sanitizer. I know of at least two locally here in Houston that did this. Guessing you are in Atlanta (ATL) so your results might vary.
  7. When cable ratings smack is your only good news of the day you know you've hit rock bottom.
  8. There's a whole lot of "not morbidly obese" Trumps in that video.
  9. The closet? I'm going to assume I was the first witty response.....cause he's gay.
  10. So this is what the Office of the President has become? Cool, cool.
  11. That's a "Who's Who" of Trump knob slobbers. It'll be a shame if they all get the Rona.
  12. Can we outfit Trump in a red shirt and beam him down to a redneck rally and see if he survives.
  13. He could hold a rally every day until the election, his numbers are not going to go up. The day he took office his approval rating was at 45.5% and a disapproval rating of 41.3%. Today nearly 3.5 years later his approval rating is 43.6% and a disapproval rating of 52%. He could magically pull a vaccine out of his ass and his approval rating wouldn't top 46%.
  14. "I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? I tell you, this steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it."
  15. Assuming that's money going directly to Trump and doesn't include all the associated logistical costs.
  16. In all honesty, blank pieces of paper with no actual plan, would be better than what Trump has already offered up.
  17. Well thank goodness they're finally breaking out their Pandemic Plan in (checks notes) fucking May.
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