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Irwin F Fletcher

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Everything posted by Irwin F Fletcher

  1. Fuck. Down by 12, under 7 minutes to play Thanks a lot Trump.
  2. Texas is up 23 - 17 in the 3rd qtr. Probably going to open it up right now. We got this.
  3. Hook Em Horns! I've got a good feeling about tonight's game.
  4. Just a PSA. ESPN is replaying the greatest college game in history right now. Vince Young's UT vs USC. Hook Em Horns!
  5. Ok. I had just tuned in. Still seemed pretty low energy none the less......his eyes did look a little more pink around the edges, though it could just be his make up.
  6. So he's stepping out because of why? He said he was tested again today for Covid-19 and it came back negative. Is he to weak to stand around while others speak or has he had enough of this and is just saying "fuck it"?
  7. Well said, but let's not downplay the knowledge and power of Surly. On a side note, weren't we putting together a superpac? Surly 2020!
  8. This! On top of the world battling a pandemic, we here in the states are also having to battle what appears to be a serious genetic defect in the remaining population that supports Trump and continues to give him a pass.
  9. Is it wrong that I want Bill O'Brien to have recently had dinner with Dolan? I've had a couple of beers tonight, it's probably the alcohol talking
  10. Did that seriously happen? If so that is so on brand for Trump.
  11. My guess would be to get whatever structure you are planing to secure the sides to off the ground. Treated lumber will last for a couple years I would imagine, but any wood in contact with the bare earth will eventually succumb Mother Nature more quickly.
  12. Please tell me this is sarcasm and he didn't actually say that. I've given up watching this daily shitshow.
  13. I think the phrase that best answers this question is "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". It would've been nice to know we had someone in government specifically tasked with preparation to deal with the event at hand, though we all know Trump when briefed on the critical situation brewing in China back in Nov/Dec of 2019 would've smirked and made some crude offhand remark about China then dismissed that individual while quickly forgetting any helpful advice as he headed down to his resort in Florida to play golf and glad hand donors. Heck, he was either calling it a hoax or applying backhand compliments to China for keeping it under wraps. It is going to take years to repair the damage his administration has done to our civil services.
  14. Finished up the top trim on the raised beds and got both started with vegetables/herbs. Also started to make three tapered planters for container growing some citrus trees.
  15. I am a little concerned about how much sunlight will get through. They are under a large Elm tree and we also have two Elm trees on the west side of the yard. I've been trying to thin out the canopy as much as I can, still have some work to do on that today. Right now I'd say that the area gets partial sunlight for at least 6-7 hours, definitely not full sun which I'd prefer. I'll be curious on how the Elm tree that is above the planters does as we hacked out a large portion of its roots clearing the area for the decomposed granite base.
  16. I researched it and everything I read said that the corrugated metal is not a concern. I won't be putting in a liner between the metal and soil.
  17. Killing time with a backyard makeover. Long overdue, needed to take down a trampoline that the kids hadn't used in years. Dug out a 20'x15x4" spot and put down decomposed granite. Currently working on building these cedar and corrugated metal raised beds for a couple of vegetable gardens. Then I'll tackle the beds and grass. It's been nice to be working outside and getting away from the current distractions.
  18. Hopefully his speech doesn't start till after the markets have closed.
  19. You could build a second ledge with all that TP!
  20. Trump has no idea how travel between countries in Europe works.
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